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Montana General Season Structure Proposal

I know heath, great guy. His dad is the man.
I feel like I was called out. Like a big dick contest. Got to show u I got a big wiener. I have never killed a muley. Never seen one big enough. But I bet I passed up bigger bucks than 99.9 percent of montana hunters. My family has killed some studs. And we have found some stud sheds in LE units. Where it is managed. I know it's mule deer topic so see past the giant elk sheds.
You can sign me up for limited entry if you see a path to get us there. No argument here. I just see where things are headed and this proposal is way better than the status quo.
I know heath, great guy. His dad is the man.
I feel like I was called out. Like a big dick contest. Got to show u I got a big wiener. I have never killed a muley. Never seen one big enough. But I bet I passed up bigger bucks than 99.9 percent of montana hunters. My family has killed some studs. And we have found some stud sheds in LE units. Where it is managed. I know it's mule deer topic so see past the giant elk sheds.
We aren’t calling anyone out. Couple of the guys know who you are and know you know your area well. We just couldn’t understand the points you were trying to make. Id be willing to talk on the phone if that helps as I’m sure any of the other guys in the group would. We aren’t trying to dismiss anyone
My points are simple. With the hunting pressure mt has. A mule deer season in October will effect the elk hunting in a negative way. Alot more elk are going to flood to private sanctuary.

LE is actually managing. Otc is selling snake oil to the public.

I honestly don't understand why not just go LE. Give landowners there tags. Give non resident tags. With that Give outfitters % of that. Rest to the public.

Montana public land mule deer is sad. Even in the current LE units.
Those sheds just didn't happen yesterday. My dad started shed hunting in the 80s. Me and my 3 brothers grew up doing it. None of those bucks are still alive. The Golden yrs were 2000 to 2010ish. With popularity and alot more serious hunters, mature animals don't survive as long even in LE units. Even big old mountain dark timber bucks.
My points are simple. With the hunting pressure mt has. A mule deer season in October will effect the elk hunting in a negative way. Alot more elk are going to flood to private sanctuary.

LE is actually managing. Otc is selling snake oil to the public.

I honestly don't understand why not just go LE. Give landowners there tags. Give non resident tags. With that Give outfitters % of that. Rest to the public.

Montana public land mule deer is sad. Even in the current LE units.
For anything to change you have to be able to sell it. To the public and fwp. A lot of this to me is confusing as all hell I won’t lie about that. I don’t think we wouldn’t be near as far as we have come without @Ben Lamb this will all come down to what people can accept and the numbers in a bank account. A lot of ideas we had like you mentioned when we discussed it as a group Ben shut us down due to it just won’t work on the money end and you have to make it all work or none of it works.
@Shed God agreed on LE being the best way to manage. It won't happen in MT. Not sure I agree on impact to elk getting pushed, likely some places but not everywhere.

As for Shed "God", you might not be the "God" but probably "Prince" or "Knight" status. Some dandies!
Charge more for a better hunt. Make everyone buy license, to apply. Then draw. There is a reason mt is a cheap tag. U get what u pay for. Everyone will pay more at a chance to kill a great animal and wait there turn. Look at the states raffled mule deer tag this yr. $$$$
Yes, LE would be the best way to produce older and sometimes big antlered bucks. But as you all know there is more to hunting than big bucks and imo the goal should be healthy populations and age structure of the resource, not strictly large antlers. Not every area or region will produce large bucks even if they are growing old.

It would be interesting to see a draft of what a potential limited entry structure looks like for Montana, but regardless I think going LE across the board could be a slippery slope especially given how slow Montana moves with management practices. For example, My concern would be a scenario where deer populations materially rebound to levels seen a decade ago, but we are stuck in LE tag Quotas corresponding to current populations.
Hedgehog best way to explain it to u, without drawing in crayon. Is this, we have shoulder hunts, kill cow elk from August to February. With our current season structure. With landowners that don't allow hunting. Some are generous and allow cow elk to be harvested. With the bright idea to put 200k mule deer hunters out there in October running around looking for a 4pt. Pushing elk around in the process. Is that really a good idea. Sounds good. No rut hunt. 10 percent live another yr.
One thing I've really enjoyed about this proposal and the people involved is their ability to take feedback and explain their stance or belief about the effects this proposal will have. I believe putting these things together is very difficult because you're trying to give and take different things to make sure it's palatable for the majority. Hopefully this can be used at least in some capacity as a way to move forward. I'm not convinced FWP will have the backbone to make these changes, but it makes them realize that many Montana hunters are upset with the current situation. This group is full of people with a lot of knowledge and credibility across the entire state.
Its will be really tough to hit a 30/100 buck doe ration in any general unit. HD270 bounces a touch below and above 30/100 each year based on post season winter flights.
@BuzzH arent the buck/doe ratios close to this in Wy? I thought you shared data but i cant find it.
@Shed God Season structure, antler point restrictions, Weapon types, combo of general season dates and LE dates are some options that come to mind.

But let me answer a question with a question. You’re an elk hunter it sounds like, and based off your last handful of posts it sounds like one reason for that is because you are finding large bulls on the landscape in general units, and presumably these bulls are older than 5. These bulls exist because of management practices that are in place. Really the only management structure in place for general elk are the season dates that allow rifle hunting while bulls are post rut and not as vulnerable to harvest. Do you really think this same strategy wouldn’t have an impact on deer?