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Montana FWP makes seismic shift in elk permits

Wow. The present climate within Montana FWP sounds even worse than I imagined. I wonder if Worsech will start feeling more heat to resign?

Wow. The present climate within Montana FWP sounds even worse than I imagined. I wonder if Worsech will start feeling more heat to resign?

I think about those who don't have the opportunity to retire. What do they do? Shut up and do as told I suspect. If following rules and doing as directed is all that matters, there will always be someone who takes the job.
Wow. The present climate within Montana FWP sounds even worse than I imagined. I wonder if Worsech will start feeling more heat to resign?

What makes you think he feels "heat to resign"? Likely he is getting rave reviews from his boss.
What makes you think he feels "heat to resign"? Likely he is getting rave reviews from his boss.
I guess I just view Worsech as an expendable pawn in the process. Also, he seems to have relatively limited PR skills from what I have seen. Additionally, it doesn't appear as though some of the Montana Fish and Wildlife Commissioners are overly thrilled with his approach and performance to date.
Why not manage accordingly to populations and healthy herds. Saying manage separately could mean to manage public diff from private. Interpretation could mean eric albus sells deer hunts and the public suffers.

I think make it draw on huntable populations based off public herds. Maybe u get better cooperation from outfitters ranchers. Basically over last 20 yrs the public been destroyed forcing alot of herds to private. And now they just trying to capitalize on it. Draw makes sense meets every requirement on the board. Pressure, harvest, management.

Pick your region pick your unit does not work. Too many hunters. Mandatory reporting will not work. Iam not saying where i killed my elk or seen them. Neither is 75 percent if the people. A otc draw works for everything. But the rich and landowners dont want that. They wont hunt every yr. Along with some public hunters. Everybody wants what is best for them but not willing to give up anything
Comprehension is apparently on par with spelling and grammar.

All I can say is go read any post I’ve made about what needs done. Not many posts ago I quoted( this what the little marks mean. “ “ ;). I will quote again, just for unlucky you, “myself and 2 of the other larger R6 outfitters would go LE permit for mule deer in R6, if the other choice is do nothing”.
Does anybody know why FWP is proposing to make 324 a general unit for mule deer, combined with several others. I could c it if it was combined and all LE. Seems like a step in the wrong direction. After 1 yr of otc the only mule deer alive in that unit will be on private. Just like most areas in southwest mt. If its cwd related they killing the wrong deer. Guessing the private deer have it.
Dont trust u eric albus. I think u and outfitters could do more. Don't play dumb.
Do more what?

Playing dumb comes natural to me
If Eric is true to his word (I have no reason to believe otherwise). Then his comments on, and actions during the PLPW meetings will be positive. If he just supports the tribe and pushes the same old agenda, then perceptions will change.

Until then I'm going to hope for the best while expecting the worst.
You bet it's all a bunch of bullshit. I sent them comments the other day. Just saying to not get rid of any limited bull elk units in montana. And to create more for both bull elk, and our mule deer box are gone they need to do something on public lands. I said create more limited mule deer Buck units. Close the season on mule deer no later than the middle of November every year. So many assholes coming in here disrupting the rut in September, $*)Q!#@$ up our elk rut, I said for quality they need to look at choosing your weapon for Elk. In the 90s there was 30,000 bow hunters in the state of Montana. Today there is over a quarter of a million. And most of them come here or the breaks. I guide on no tellem creek the none your business. The last 5 years, way less mature bulls. We are now longer seeing a 3-year-old 4-point buck in the public. Huge increase in pressure from bowhunters, and rifle hunters. One thing I really said, and stated, was they need to go the other direction that they're going. Create more unlimited, and more limited bull elk and mule deer Buck permits. All that shit is is Richland owners, that will have some asshole outfitter from back east, that will not have a Montana license to outfit, but will be able to get away with it on private lands. That is such bullshit, no Montana licensing or all the stuff that we have to purchase to be legal. I don't know if I answered any of your questions but can forward you what I sent

What a guide texted me. Can get the main outfitter. Awaiting text from fwp friend.

Eric albus what is your official opionon
I have asked a few guides outfitters about u eric albus. I don't know but it seems ben lamb and others have trust in u. I do not. Ben lamb seems very smart and informed. But this is the only text back i got from my friends that are outfitters or guides that ivthink i can share without getting kicked off hunt talk.
I do not know him. I have nothing to do with Montana outfitter and guides association. If he's involved with them, he's a leg humper to private landowners, and politicians that are pro private land very self-centered I'm sure

The only appropriate one
You bet it's all a bunch of bullshit. I sent them comments the other day. Just saying to not get rid of any limited bull elk units in montana. And to create more for both bull elk, and our mule deer box are gone they need to do something on public lands. I said create more limited mule deer Buck units. Close the season on mule deer no later than the middle of November every year. So many assholes coming in here disrupting the rut in September, $*)Q!#@$ up our elk rut, I said for quality they need to look at choosing your weapon for Elk. In the 90s there was 30,000 bow hunters in the state of Montana. Today there is over a quarter of a million. And most of them come here or the breaks. I guide on no tellem creek the none your business. The last 5 years, way less mature bulls. We are now longer seeing a 3-year-old 4-point buck in the public. Huge increase in pressure from bowhunters, and rifle hunters. One thing I really said, and stated, was they need to go the other direction that they're going. Create more unlimited, and more limited bull elk and mule deer Buck permits. All that shit is is Richland owners, that will have some asshole outfitter from back east, that will not have a Montana license to outfit, but will be able to get away with it on private lands. That is such bullshit, no Montana licensing or all the stuff that we have to purchase to be legal. I don't know if I answered any of your questions but can forward you what I sent

What a guide texted me. Can get the main outfitter. Awaiting text from fwp friend.

Eric albus what is your official opionon
I like your ideas and positions. I admire your passion and forward looking. Not meant to be disrespectful, however your writing style and rhetoric makes me want to toss it in the round file.
'Hope you refined your product sent to FWP.

Where are you from? (You may proudly post it up under "Messages" in upper right corner.)
That is not from me. But a guide that is my friend. But we think alike.
So eric albus, what is your official thought on the topic. Mt season structure
I just submitted my comments.

I was unable to be as diplomatic as Mr. Lamb, Bigfin, or even the HHAA.

But someone had to make their comments sound better, so I'll consider it a job well done.
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