Rack Daniels
Well-known member
I don’t have much to say besides I’ve noticed the influx of migrants and there is certainly a trend that follows them. Everyone on the crew I work with has almost all been completely replaced by twice as many migrants. So 4 of the guys I worked with in the beginning are now 8-9 migrants that i spend all day on google translate to communicate with now. Second, there’s a few trucks rolling around Bozeman and Belgrade that directly flaunt their ties, ideologies and neighborhoods. For instance, there was a truck at winco with a phrase in Spanish on the back windshield. When translated it read, “I want to taste your wife”. Another by my house has “Zacatecas” proudly displayed which is right in the heart of the violent war between two prominent cartels. Of course, everyone can proudly display where they’re from in America, so it must be taken with a grain of salt. I just hope that local LE spends more time on the real crime than riding doubles in school zones messing with teenage drivers… sorry for my rant