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Montana Fentanyl and Meth. Mexican Drug Cartel Focus.

I don’t have much to say besides I’ve noticed the influx of migrants and there is certainly a trend that follows them. Everyone on the crew I work with has almost all been completely replaced by twice as many migrants. So 4 of the guys I worked with in the beginning are now 8-9 migrants that i spend all day on google translate to communicate with now. Second, there’s a few trucks rolling around Bozeman and Belgrade that directly flaunt their ties, ideologies and neighborhoods. For instance, there was a truck at winco with a phrase in Spanish on the back windshield. When translated it read, “I want to taste your wife”. Another by my house has “Zacatecas” proudly displayed which is right in the heart of the violent war between two prominent cartels. Of course, everyone can proudly display where they’re from in America, so it must be taken with a grain of salt. I just hope that local LE spends more time on the real crime than riding doubles in school zones messing with teenage drivers… sorry for my rant 😅
This article relates specifically to the Mexican organization using Tribal reservations as their base. With an apparent massive markup vs metro cities where the competition is too high this the competition drives the price down significantly!

Mexican cartels specific focus is on single tribal females. Establishing base residential locations on tribal land and using the lack of enforcement to their MASSIVE advantage.

It is flat out abuse of a broken system that needs to be addressed. Montana has already identified further spread of fentanyl and meth outside of reservations due to the lack of enforcement ability on the reservations.

Anyone read the article? It's an extremely vulnerable setting spread throughout Montana that not only effects the challenges already faced on reservations though on U.S. Citizens who reside in Montana. A web Nexus beyond.

@BuzzH I agree. Mental /substance abuse rehab or ability to mitigate potential dangers by the "demand" side of supply is lacking.
That said, the Sinaloa Cartel, specifically, is focused on making the supply cause the demand.
Legalize all drugs , that's the only answer . Stop putting stupid people in jail for dumb shit , like doing drugs . If someone chooses to be a druggie , oh well , it's their life to waste . I'll be minding my own business
I’d agree to a point. Let natural selection take its course problem would fix itself I bet. The issue for me with that is that a few years back the paper ran a article about how the city of Billings spent 8 million dollars on sending ambulance/fire truck to the drunk bums in the downtown area. Kinda would like my portion of those tax dollars back.
Legalize all drugs , that's the only answer . Stop putting stupid people in jail for dumb shit , like doing drugs . If someone chooses to be a druggie , oh well , it's their life to waste . I'll be minding my own business
Portland is our current case study of this. Nothing short of a disaster. It causes chaos for businesses and all living in the community.
That whole article is BS , they legalized the drug , and now they're fighting over the money it generates . Taxes and license fee's . Plus , as a ex medical marijuana provider myself , growing weed does not produce toxic waste or poison the ground water .
Just let everyone grow their own weed , problem solved .
There is no answer. I know a few people who do or have done hard drugs, they do them because they really really like them. People are going to be people, you're not going to stop the producers, the sellers, or the users. Let's stop pretending that there's a way to end drug use.
Complex problems with multifaceted causes rarely have simple solutions. focusing on the supply side is a win-win for politicians. It sounds good to there more simple minded constituents and wins them votes. then it puts money in their pockets just like every other lobbying entity paying for influence.
Addressing the demand that drives the trade isn’t as sexy and gets lambasted as more social welfare and touchy feely social programs. Preventive measures same issue…how do you prevent something if you don’t address the root causes of what drives the demand for it?
Someone mentioned costs for say emergency medical attention for drunk “bums “ yet alcohol is sold in every convenience store in every state. Same with cigarettes/ Tobacco ….which both have a higher cost in regards to medical medical services then drugs do.

I don’t pretend to have all the answers to this issue but I know what we are doing now isn’t working if nothing else I have pushed more Narcan in the last few years then the previous 10 years combined due to the amounts and frequency of fentanyl in the supply chain.
There is no answer. I know a few people who do or have done hard drugs, they do them because they really really like them. People are going to be people, you're not going to stop the producers, the sellers, or the users. Let's stop pretending that there's a way to end drug use.
Not just the use. The blood shed surrounding the drug industry is the problem.
And our country has plenty of well trained people to control the problem. Politicians and government agencies have their own agenda.
Kinda like alcohol does ? In every city in America , you ask any LEO , alcohol is the worst drug they have to deal with .
As an LEO I agree it’s the most common (because it’s legal) but can’t really put those worms back in the can as history has taught. Doesn’t mean we let more worms out. People in meth induced psychosis or some other drugs not listed in this thread are just as problematic
As an LEO I agree it’s the most common (because it’s legal) but can’t really put those worms back in the can as history has taught. Doesn’t mean we let more worms out. People in meth induced psychosis or some other drugs not listed in this thread are just as problematic
Let more worms out ? Drugs are everywhere , the only thing we know for sure is making more laws and putting more people in prison is not the answer .
Let more worms out ? Drugs are everywhere , the only thing we know for sure is making more laws and putting more people in prison is not the answer .
Right but we have an obligation to protect society. Way too many people fall victim to drugs (kids having no parents or themselves overdosing cuz mom uses in the bathroom they all use). There’s no perfect solution but total legalization is dangerous beyond belief. Trust me when I say, people who deal in drugs don’t tend to get punished too severely in today’s criminal justice system and many never get charged even if they get pinched. The primary issue with traffickers is how easy and good the money is. The real issue is the greed of humanity.
Complex problems with multifaceted causes rarely have simple solutions. focusing on the supply side is a win-win for politicians. It sounds good to there more simple minded constituents and wins them votes. then it puts money in their pockets just like every other lobbying entity paying for influence.
Addressing the demand that drives the trade isn’t as sexy and gets lambasted as more social welfare and touchy feely social programs. Preventive measures same issue…how do you prevent something if you don’t address the root causes of what drives the demand for it?
Someone mentioned costs for say emergency medical attention for drunk “bums “ yet alcohol is sold in every convenience store in every state. Same with cigarettes/ Tobacco ….which both have a higher cost in regards to medical medical services then drugs do.

I don’t pretend to have all the answers to this issue but I know what we are doing now isn’t working if nothing else I have pushed more Narcan in the last few years then the previous 10 years combined due to the amounts and frequency of fentanyl in the supply chain.
Specifically, how do you "focus on the demand" side in a way that already isnt being tried?

Theres no shortage of public dollars and resources going into the reservations.
Legalize all drugs , that's the only answer . Stop putting stupid people in jail for dumb shit , like doing drugs . If someone chooses to be a druggie , oh well , it's their life to waste . I'll be minding my own business
If only it worked that way.
Trouble is drug addicts don't live on some island with no consequences. They are among us, and their decisions kill or hurt innocent people all the time.
Right but we have an obligation to protect society. Way too many people fall victim to drugs (kids having no parents or themselves overdosing cuz mom uses in the bathroom they all use). There’s no perfect solution but total legalization is dangerous beyond belief. Trust me when I say, people who deal in drugs don’t tend to get punished too severely in today’s criminal justice system and many never get charged even if they get pinched. The primary issue with traffickers is how easy and good the money is. The real issue is the greed of humanity.
Well , here's where I expose myself as a heartless bitch . Those people you speak of ? Who fall victim to drugs ? Probably never had a chance anyway and can't be saved . Some people are just going to die young , mostly through stupidity . Drugs , or overeating , car accidents , whatever . So what ? How does their dying impact any of us ? Sure it affects their families , but thats all .
The only reason drugs are not already legal is ...... The law enforcement community makes a damn good living fighting a never ending war on drugs , and don't really care about the victims . The local police fight for money from the feds , same as the courts do , more arrests mean more federal money , more court cases mean more federal money . It's a con job from the top down .