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Montana Elk Decoy


New member
Nov 13, 2011
Piedmont Region North Carolina
What is everyone's experience with Montana Elk Decoy's. Are they worth the weight to put in your pack for a deep OYO hunt in Colorado bow hunting during archery only?
I really like them and find that they really do work.. For packing around while hunting I like the elk rump decoy. It''s not to big and I just tuck it under my armpit on the side that I'm carrying my bow with the legs pointing behind me . To take it in and out constantly is a pain so I just leave it up like I mentioned.
Be careful when you get it and try the initial fold up mine exploded at mach 3 in the living room and bitch slapped the taste out of my mouth. I just got mine this winter so I can't comment on the usefulness of it yet
A friend used mine and it "seemed" to make the elk calm when they saw it. They weigh next to nothing... no loss in packing it in.

good luck to all
the dog
I about lost my life once when hiding behind one. I called a bull in that ran straight for it and was about 3 feet from goring it with me behind it. Luckily my hunting partner was able to let an arrow fly from 15 feet to my right. The shot saved me from getting horned or hoofed.

Long story short, I make sure I'm a little ways away from the decoy before calling a bull.

So decoys seem to work fairly well for me but they can be bitter sweet. I have a hard time with them when it is windy. They like to blow around and can blow over. I've missed opportunities because I was messing around with setting one up or taking it down or having it do the above mentioned explosion.
They like to blow around and can blow over. I've missed opportunities because I was messing around with setting one up or taking it down or having it do the above mentioned explosion.

Yea they are like anything mechanical things can go wrong. The other thing that will get the elk nervous is when they come in and then begin to swing downwind or something and see and elk that is only a half inch wide.:eek: They will take off at that point.
Sweetnectar has used them more than anyone I know so any advice he gives is pretty good advice.
Highly recommended, very lightweight. Great if used properly such as wind, line of sight, etc. Folding up can got you, but just jump on the website and watch videos. Key is to keep the head down, one thumb up one down, twist so its almost a figure 8, and push together.
Don't have the montana but I've used a heads up decoy for a few years. I have an arrow without fletching I stick in the ground and slide the decoy on top. Usually set it next to a tree or big bush and it looks as if the cow is standing behind it. I'm sure it works but the elk I've arrowed recently have happened so fast I haven't had it up. Usually a ticked off bull coming in or whatever. I'll keep trying because I really want to see their reaction to it. I think a curious bull circling downwind might let his guard down a little if he catches a glimpse.

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