Kenetrek Boots

Montana Dudes


Maybe you should donate your $400 to the campaign to re-elect your Governor...who is a DEMOCRAT. You know the reason why you're getting that $400.

I'm shocked you arent giving it to the Larry Craig legal defense fund..."supporting" your fellow Republican.
BHR- Just curious as to how we could go from a pretty good deficit under Republican controlled legislature with a Republican Governor in MT to a surplus in only a couple of years with a Democrat Governor and Democrat legislature? I can hardly wait for your explanation...
It was probably due to tax cuts by the Republicans which took a couple of years to have an effect. :D ;)

Seriously, economic changes rarely happen overnight due to policy changes. It usually does take a couple of years to see the changes. Taxes raised or lowered, for example, do not have an instant impact on either the economy or the deficit.
BHR- Just curious as to how we could go from a pretty good deficit under Republican controlled legislature with a Republican Governor in MT to a surplus in only a couple of years with a Democrat Governor and Democrat legislature? I can hardly wait for your explanation...

The booming oil and gas developments in Eastern Montana is primarily the reason for the current "surplus".

Straight from the Montana Budget 07/08
Revenue Estimates

Energy Prices and Consumption
West Texas Intermediate spot oil prices averaged $26.11 per barrel in calendar 2002, rose to $31.12 in calendar 2003, and
averaged $56.55 in calendar 2005. Global Insight forecasts WTI oil prices to increase to $67.00 in calendar 2006, and then drop to
$65.62 in calendar 2007. A further drop to $64.75 and $63.87 in calendar 2008 and 2009, respectively, is anticipated. While
Montana wellhead prices are considerably lower than the WTI price, Montana prices are expected to follow a similar trend.
Natural gas prices at the wellhead in the US averaged $2.87 per million cubic feet in calendar 2002, rose to $4.84 in calendar
2003, and averaged $7.31 in calendar 2004. Global Insight is forecasting average Henry Hub natural gas prices at $8.41 in
calendar 2007, $9.09 in calendar 2008, and $8.81 in calendar 2009. While Montana wellhead prices are considerably lower than
the Henry Hub price, Montana prices are expected to follow a similar trend.
After decades long reductions in oil production – from a peak in 1973 of 34 million barrels to a trough in 1999 of 15 million
barrels – recent Montana production has increased. New drilling activity increased 75 percent in 2003, and has increased nearly
the same amount in 2004. In calendar 2005, production was over 32 million barrels and will probably be near 35 million barrels

Introduction Montana Economic Outlook
in calendar 2006. Montana oil production is expected to be just over 38 million barrels in calendar 2007, just over 36 million
barrels in calendar 2008 and 32 million barrels in calendar 2009.
In response to higher prices, natural gas production in Montana doubled between 1981 and 2003, from 40 million MCF to 80
million MCF, with 75 percent of that increase since 1997. Newly drilled wells have contributed around 20 percent to total
production since calendar 2000. As in the oil market, new drilling activity was up substantially in calendar 2003 and 2004.
Montana natural gas production is expected to be 107 million MCF in calendar 2006, 107 million MCF in calendar 2007, 104
million MCF in calendar 2008, and 100 million MCFin calendar 2009.
Price/Ton & MCF

The same thing has happend under a Republican govenor. Remember the "refund" Racicot.

"As governor, Racicot sought to improve government efficiency and bring government services closer to its owners, the people. He favored reducing government wherever possible and eliminated two executive departments. He worked with Montana's legislature to eliminate a $200 million deficit in 1993 and helped to produce a $22.4 million budget surplus in 1995. The governor's office staff was reduced to approximately half of the 1977 levels. While reducing the size of government, Racicot was also able to more than double the proportion of women appointed to office in Montana, increasing the proportion from 20 to 41 percent.

Nearly every state with oil and gas activity have a budget surplus. Look at Wyoming.

At the state level I don't believe it matters if you are a Republican or Democrat.

As for my $400 I have to just turn around and write a check back to the State for my quarterly payment which is more then $400. I wish they would have kept the money and given it to the school district out in Eastern Montana that are hurting.


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