PEAX Equipment

Accountant cost

We use a CPA in Fargo. $450 this year. Eats up our state refund. Does a good job, but goes up every year.
I have used the HR Block program for years. I find it to be a little easier than Turbotax and a bit cheaper. For me, the hard part has always getting all the input paperwork in one spot. Plugging the numbers into TT or HRB generally does not require a lot of decisions, although every so often something new shows up.
Just paid an accountant in AR $150 for personal tax prep. Half of what I had been paying in Montana.
FreeTaxUSA - Federal $0 / State $15
Like anything you hopefully get what you pay for but mine is less than that and I think he’s good, although I don’t have anything to compare him to.

I think my S-corp return is $750 or $800 and individual for wife and I is $300.
I think.
I’ll know for sure soon

Maybe Newberg does them for HT members in exchange for icecream on Fridays.
1200 for S corp and $360 for individual .