Montana draw

I talked to FWP today and they said Monday but I agree with you Blake . So they are going to work on Easter Monday ???? Or over the weekend ? Or good Friday ? I agree I bet on tomorrow
I checked over Easter weekend and the site said I was successful AND unsuccessful for the same draw. Huh? Their IT people should spend more time making the site work and less dressing up pretty PR stories.
What does that mean ? He has to agree with someone just cuz it’s their forum ? I don’t always agree with Randy I’d say 1/2 the time maybe . The reason i like this forum is the different opinions …. Lots of good info from all kinds of folks . Lots of bs too but that’s part of it
If polite yet dissenting ideas are not allowed and I would say more than allowed...encouraged voices of dissention...then an echo chamber erupts and is all hooray for my side where is very comfortable for round pegs but a rather boring place if you love ideas. Censorship of Ideas is a terrible strategy whether is around the dinner table, on your work team, on the news channel or in Congress.

Stamp out dissention and most of us would all be wearing jeans on rainy cold days because that is what lots of hunters did that lacked wool. We would be shooting recurves with pine arrows that limits participation and shot opportunities. I still run into people that swear you hold different for the same angle based on if shooting uphill or downhill. Popular at that time or this time does not mean is best practices for tomorrow. Be polite. Toss those thoughts out on the table to see if get traction and be ready to learn about other ways to do things in return. Then, figure out what might work best for you with your abilities and limitations then go hunt.