Montana combo draw odds

There are definitely non resident adults that buy a bear or turkey tag so that they hold a qualifying license for their kids to purchase a deer tag.
This file has been shared on a few threads. @Gerald Martin shared it a couple of years ago. I think the general conclusion was the jump in NR was largely coming from B tags, but given the constant changes it is hard to draw hard conclusions. I wonder how many people buy the base hunting in a "tag along" hunt and don't have a big game tag.
I've done it more than once just to shoot a few birds.
Mt draws and wester regs i have looked at seem overcomplicated. They need to overhaul these resources to make it easier to track this information. It is nice to have but if it is organized in an unusefull fation why bother.
Mt draws and wester regs i have looked at seem overcomplicated. They need to overhaul these resources to make it easier to track this information. It is nice to have but if it is organized in an unusefull fation why bother.
Is this Hank the former director?
That can’t read ? They aren’t that complicated
It gets complex when you are trying to sort out draw odds, points and then the cwd stuff. I am from mn. That style of regs handout is what i am used to. Everything hunting is in one book. There you need to make sure you have the right supplement for what you're going for, then where you're going could have other sub sections l, the right stamps/extra license. That kind of thing makes it confusing. Only stamps we have here are for ducks or pheasant.

If they want you to get x stamp for all hunting just add it to the license and list it in what the total permit cost breaks down to. Just seems like extra to me.
It gets complex when you are trying to sort out draw odds, points and then the cwd stuff. I am from mn. That style of regs handout is what i am used to. Everything hunting is in one book. There you need to make sure you have the right supplement for what you're going for, then where you're going could have other sub sections l, the right stamps/extra license. That kind of thing makes it confusing. Only stamps we have here are for ducks or pheasant.

If they want you to get x stamp for all hunting just add it to the license and list it in what the total permit cost breaks down to. Just seems like extra to me.
I won’t totally disagree
Even if that were the case - R will be taken care of first, justifiably. See SD/ND/PA/KY or any non western state with elk/moose
PA gives NO preference to residents in our Elk draw. And the NR bull tag is ridiculously cheap if you draw.
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A Quick Look at region 6 and 7 and no other state allows this. Nonresidents need to come less often and be directed to where they go. That is the free for all with a state wide general tag. Nonresident tags are not capped with the new programs. Wildlife first, nonresidents that pay the bills probably deserve to be in 3rd place behind wildlife and residents. Tags will still sell out.
non res must be better hunters
I don’t know that it has anything to do with being better hunters. Especially with the terrain and rut hunting. The fact that Montana FWP allowed this to happen is a slap to the face of resident hunters and the mule deer herd. Nothing against nonresident hunters, it’s just not sustainable management to have a free for all statewide tag like we do. Hard for even a nonresident to argue that those harvest stats are ok.

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