Caribou Gear

Montana Draw Results - Elk, Deer, Antelope

Yup. I am a happy camper. :D

Good, congrats!

I was greedy and put a rifle tag first, archery second. I'll be staying on the west side this year, oh well...

I was over this weekend and it's insane how much feed there is right now. I don't really know what an average sweet clover year is like, but there's way more this year than the last two. Should be some giant bulls coming out of there this fall.

Sweetclover grows horns??? I figured with all the blood thinners in it the sweet clover would have the opposite effect. Maybe the big bulls eat it to help with their high blood pressure.
Sweetclover grows horns??? I figured with all the blood thinners in it the sweet clover would have the opposite effect. Maybe the big bulls eat it to help with their high blood pressure.

I have no idea if sweet clover does, but I would assume that something in the abundance of green over there would help.
Looks like a no go on the elk B for me also this year. I see that I have a point added on now.
Be a general elk for me this year. Antelelope is my last chance. Hoping more of you are having better luck than I.
Wife and I got second choice elk permit and first choice elk b...waiting on antelope and antelope b...
Its the ol' second choice muley permit again this year! Glad I drew my B-tag, struck out on everything else. 5% odds on the first choice antelope tag and probally wont draw a 900 series tag second choice. Oh well. :)
I got my second choice elk. wife got her first choice Deer. Somehow I didn't draw my deer b tag witch is a 60% and I had two bonus points. I can't wait until the antelope and Elk b tags come through.
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