Montana Draw Results - Elk, Deer, Antelope

Drew my first choice antelope. :) I was starting to think I was in the same boat as Ben Lamb.

Ben someone has you in their crosshairs. Next legistlative session you might have to play nice. :)

I hope you shoot a B&C bull on your general tag.
Special spring turkey-unsuccessful
sheep tag-unsuccessful
special elk- unsuccessful
elk B- unsuccessful ( this one was a 50/50 chance)

then finally a first choice antelope tag.....
Nice!!! I was starting to get worried.

Tell me about it, one of my fav hunts!

I have hunted this unit before, last time I had a buck tag I was done 5 minutes after the opener with a nice wide one. Hope my luck holds!
WOOOHHHOOOO! The wife and I party drew by the grace of god our second choice either sex antelope! Last year some people who put in first choice didn't get it! I'm back in this thing!! :D


Nice, and congrats!
After a disappointing MSG draw for the 5th year in a row.....

2011 ANTELOPE LICENSE (420-00)
District 420-00 was your 1st choice for the ‘2011 Antelope License’ Drawing.

2011 ELK PERMIT (411-15)
District 411-15 was your 2nd choice for the ‘2011 Elk Permit’ Drawing.

2011 ELK B LICENSE (410-80)
District 410-80 was your 1st choice for the ‘2011 Elk B License’ Drawing.


I will take it :) ...if nothing else the freezer will be full come December and I won't have to range far from home to do it!
Wife and I drew Antelope B tags. Thank god, I was not happy with the prospect of not hunting antelope this year.
I will have 5 antelope in the freezer this wife and I with 900 tags...I got my doe the 2 you get with the 900 tag...see if I can talk my wife into shooting some does...doubt it though!
Ben with the luck you had in the drawings I'll hold you a place in line. Even give you cutsies.
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