Montana Draw Results - Elk, Deer, Antelope

Looks like im waiting another year for that elk tag. Had another point added on. Here's hoping better luck for elk B and antelope.
Welp looks like no elk tag for me either I will probally eat tag soup for 6 years in a row I guess:confused:
So apparenlty I have the worst luck on the planet this year..... I put in for every possible tag in MT, as always, including super tags. Many / Most of the permits I put in for are generally a "sure thing" draw.

Thus far my succesful column is EMPTY. I couldn't even draw a ewe tag, my sure thing mule deer buck permit.... I didn't even draw my mule deer doe permit. I am pretty bummed right now. Looks like I also have another point for elk now.... I sure hope I at least drew my second choice archery permit, or this fall is going to suck.

Hmm my elk points haven't moved yet, hopefully that's a good thing.
Well, my son was awarded another elk bonus point, but not me. After having drawn limited entry bull tags that last two years, I have zero points, and it looks like I messed up my app, or something, 'cause I am still at zero. Maybe they haven't got to me yet.
My elk points jumped up one... and my elk B stayed at 0... so, hopefully that means I drew my b tag again. :) As for the elk... that was a given...
My elk points jumped up one... and my elk B stayed at 0... so, hopefully that means I drew my b tag again. :) As for the elk... that was a given...

Don't think they've started cow tags yet, at least I've still got one.
My elk points went up one. Lame. Maybe I got lucky and drew my second choice, but I think that's a reach.
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