Well-known member
I'm still not convinced you can shoot your way out of cwd.I am not convinced that hunting the rut is the best way to deal with CWD. I understand that many are convinced that reducing the number of older bucks is the best way to slow the spread of CWD. Arguing agents that is above my pay grade. I am just not convinced that hunting the rut is the best way to reduce the number of older bucks. This is why.
The theory is that hunting the rut will allow hunters to be more selective and the hunters will select older bucks. In reality hunters do not select for age, they select for antler size. The bucks with top end antler potential are selected at age two or three and the bucks with poor potential are living to an older age because hunters are passing them up and taking a younger buck with better antlers. In the last twenty years I have only seen two top end bucks that lived to old age, both of them likely spent most of hunting season on land private land with zero hunters. On the other end of the scale I have seen many older bucks with poor antlers. Just this spring I found the deadhead of one of those bucks just off of heavily hunted public land. That buck was likely passed on by hunters many times. By allowing hunters to be selective we could be just reducing the age of the better bucks and increasing the age of the poorer bucks on public land. On most private land the better bucks will sill be shot at a younger age and the poor bucks will die of natural causes.
This brings me to the second reason why hunting the rut many not be the best time to deal with CWD. Access to the bucks. The number one issue when deciding on a CWD plan is access. The best CWD plan for taking out the older bucks is the one where the orange army has the best access possible. Access trumps everything else. Nearly fifty years ago when I first started hunting the current season was well timed. Back then when the bucks headed to the foothills and river bottoms to be with the does during November, access was usually a "how is it going" and a hand shake. Now that private land is owned by billionaires or leased for hunting. The orange army is not getting access to that private land back. Today the Orange army will have better access to bucks during October than in November.
Antler point restrictions that protect yearling bucks will have the most impact on reducing the number of older bucks. Three point or more combined with a any buck with a 15 inch spread would put 90% of yearling bucks off limits and nearly all two year old bucks on the hit list. The problem with the current approach is that we are relying on trophy hunters to reduce the number of older bucks. There is just not that many dead older bucks to be gained with trophy hunters. Trophy hunters are going to hold out for a buck with antlers the size that they want regardless of the season timing. If they are unable to find that buck, they don't fill the tag or maybe fill the tag on a small buck the last day if they still have freezer space. Antler point restrictions will on the other hand will force all the hunters that are willing to shoot a yearling forky to hold out for an older buck and these hunters will be happy to shoot older bucks that do not have big antlers. Antler point restrictions are the way to go if you want to reduce the number of older bucks.
Back when CWD was first getting started, a FWP biologist told me, " we have to do something". I agree. The problem is now that CWD is here and spreading, if the solution is to continue with essentially the same regulations that have been in place since the 70's we are actualy doing nothing.