Money well spent?

MN Public Hunter - Just curious -- How many elk are there in Minnesota, 100? I think I read somewhere that they live near the Manitoba border so I am guessing that is also wolf country. Any idea if your wolves are having an affect on your small elk herds?

Im a RMEF member and have no problem with the way this was set up. If this was to be funded with membership dues I would be a little disapointed with the diversion from their mission statement.
MN Public Hunter - Just curious -- How many elk are there in Minnesota, 100? I think I read somewhere that they live near the Manitoba border so I am guessing that is also wolf country. Any idea if your wolves are having an affect on your small elk herds?

Im a RMEF member and have no problem with the way this was set up. If this was to be funded with membership dues I would be a little disapointed with the diversion from their mission statement.

You know I'm not sure how they effect the elk, but people here are more concerned with deer than elk due to the numbers like you said. We are in the same boat really, but we talk deer and RMEF talks elk. My main point was there are 600 in all of MT and there are 3000 in all of MN.

If the numbers really worked the way one person talked about in the article lets apply that to MN....

3000 currently and 20% pup survival rate...that is 600 new wolves in MN this year alone. So now 3600...

I sure would like to see some group offer this type of support to MN :) If there ever IS a wolf season.
I hope you guys get a season soon but after what we out west went through, it could be awhile, or maybe it will happen quickly since we broke the "ice" and MN can slip through the cracks.

I would take that 600 number for Montana with a grain of salt, those are only the confirmed packs. A couple of years ago I and many others knew of a undocumented pack but no matter what evidence we had or who we talked to no one from the fwp would come and "document" this pack. Pictures, scat, tracks, kill sites...nope not interested since there are no confirmed packs in that area and we are just dumb hunters that wouldn't know the difference between a coyote and wolf. Two wolves were killed out of that pack this past season but according to the FWP they still do not exist.
Good point Theat. Oregon wouldn't even acknowledge that we had wolves in this state....until a radio collared Male was hit and killed by a car on I84 about 10-12 years ago. Lots of people reported sightings etc, but the powers that be decide to try the "deny 'til one dies" tactic.
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