It sad that there are so many young players in the MLB that keep getting shorted on games played. I guess the guys in Tommy John recovery are winning.
Yup minimum player salary goes to $700,000 from $570,500 but the league's postseason will also expand from 10 to 12 teams so the owners have a “chance” to make it back.

Wonder how many players hit the DL with hammys and tommy john, only a 30 day roll up to the opener.
Do you guys really watch baseball? mtmuley
Watch no. But there’s just something about having a game playing on the radio. Call it nostalgia, call it whatever, but there was always a game on the radio growing up. Now-a-days I still listen while in the shop, or driving in circles in the tractor. Just a part of summer for me.
Watch no. But there’s just something about having a game playing on the radio. Call it nostalgia, call it whatever, but there was always a game on the radio growing up. Now-a-days I still listen while in the shop, or driving in circles in the tractor. Just a part of summer for me.
I do watch baseball, but I agree radio is a great experience. Baseball may be the only sport where that’s the case. You need great announcers, though. Don’t try listening to A-Rod on the ESPN simulcast.
I watch as many royals games as I can and listen as often as I can as well. I actually prefer baseball over any other professional sports.
I love having a beer while cooking dinner, with the windows open while listening to Rick Rizzs call an M's game.
Loved baseball during the Don Mattingly and Steve Garvey days. Cousin's father held season first base Dodger tickets. Went to every game possible.

"Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks"

Since those youthful days I've lost touch with baseball though do enjoy watching a random game every once in a while... Nostalgia? Dunno.
I watch almost all the Jay's games, I really hate it when they black out a lot of the NL central games here
Just a bummer the Twins only play 3 games max in October! ha ha. At least that has been the trend their last 18 playoff games. 0-18. Almost have to try to be that bad.
Try being an Orioles or Rockies fan lately

I am
There’s no better sports experience than watching a baseball game in person. I like watching minor league games too. It’s much cheaper to take the family and it’s always fun. I think it does help that I played growing up. There’s so much strategy in baseball. It helps to have played to understand it. I think it’s much easier for a casual fan to enjoy football, which is why it’s so popular. As others have said, there’s just something nostalgic about baseball. My first sports memories are watching Braves games on TBS with my dad.
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Do you guys really watch baseball? mtmuley
I used to... in fact, I followed it on a stocker level! But I a grew tired of things such as labor disputes. Poor guys only making $500k per year. Wish I could walk into the owner's office and demand half of the companies revenue.
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