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Another GOAT gone

Ricky-isms always consisted of 3 people in Ricky’s life….Me, Myself & I. What a character‼️

He was awesome to watch run 💯. Never a dull moment and what made the game of baseball great!
I think this Travis Hunter kid is going to be something special himself. mtmuley
A two way player that good is impressive. Bo and Deon played two sports and excelled at both. Even Jordan couldn’t do that. It’s incredible when you think about it.
A two way player that good is impressive. Bo and Deon played two sports and excelled at both. Even Jordan couldn’t do that. It’s incredible when you think about it.
Deion is one of my favorite athletes of all time. Proving to be a great coach also. There is a video of Hunter dunking a basketball on ESPN. I bet that kid would excell at any sport. mtmuley