
Milk jug challenge.

Best thing about this is getting people off a bench to evaluate their capabilities. Way too many people at our rifle club can bang steel at precise set distances off a bench but take that bench away, mix up the distances and it’s a whole different situation.

I see no down side with these challenges or modified ways any way you want to do them - keep it safe and pick up your trash and things are golden.
There is a competition series steel challenge in MT if any one is interested. Pretty similar with steel. There should also be a hunters challenge that fwp sponsors.
I have ROd a stage several years.

Another from last year-
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Sheridan is starting their competition season on the 20th, it's the third Saturday every month. We usually ether compete or RO every match. It does hunters a world of good.
I’ve always just shot rocks at various yardage out in the mountains. Set up the phone scope and record if i’m out alone. Works pretty good and I don’t have to worry about anything but brass to pick up. There’s some areas I could see it being fun though.
I have shot steel. Milk jugs positioned at various ranges whether up hill down hill or on level ground at various ranges would be a challenge. Impacts are easy to spot and set up is fast. Just pick them up when done. mtmuley
Freeze blocks of ice you don't have to pick anything up. More dramatic effect as well.

I just shoot steel.
Don't know what the time frame was, but a hundred shots through a .300 Win Mag that barrel is going to be pretty toasty.
The last precision rifle stage I ROd required each shooter to shoot from a Jack leg fence. 2 rounds on first target. Target at 350. Then 2 rounds on target at 400ish. 3rd target closer at 300 for final shot. If you missed at a target you dropped down to middle rail to shoot remainder. If you missed again, you dropped down to bottom rail about 3 inches off the ground. Low enough to make shooting prone difficult. Timed at something like 2 minutes, I don’t remember exactly.

6-7 guys to a squad but you shot 5 rounds over 2 minutes but then waited for next stage probably 25 minutes later to do 7 other dreamed up stage.

People shot everything from 223 up to 300 win.

Just if anyone is curious.
I'm not 100% on the background of the "Backfire milk jug challenge" but essentially the host made a statement in a video that most hunters don't have any business shooting long range. Someone in comments posted that he could hit 100% of his shots inside 600 yards. Backfire guy took him up on it and purchased 100 milk jugs to set up at various ranges in a "hunting scenario" shooting test. The shooter, Mike the marine, managed to scope himself on his second warm up shot and then missed his 2nd actual shot. I think they called it a day after 40-some jugs and hitting only 33% of them, this is in the video in post #16.

Several youtubers have set up similar challenges for themselves since then and it is becoming a thing. The video in post #8 is a follow-up to the first video in which Backfire sets up 4 stages of varying difficulty and has 3 shooters who end up hitting between 30-40% of the targets. Despite this, 2 of them continue to boast confidence out to 600 yards in hunting situations. It seems like Backfire also has some competitive shooters scheduled to give the challenge a try.
This is a LOT different from the milk jug challenge I knew as a kid.
Tried the milk jug challenge at 17, made it about 90% of the way through before I threw up. It was the night before two a day's started and man it really hits home how poorly the decision making was at that age.

I'm sure there's another version of the milk jug challenge out there and I for one would be interested in hearing about what that entails.

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