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Militia takes over wildlife refuge headquarters

The FBI arrested Cliven, old man Bundy, last night. This should really get interesting.
The FBI must've been reading this thread, because they gave the nuts plenty of rope.....

They aren't listening to me! I said I wanted this thing wrapped up by the time I woke up this morning and it hasn't happened. Heads are gonna roll! :mad: :D
Great surprise to wake up to. I have been waiting a long time for this screwball to be arrested. Gonna have me a little celebration tonight :D:D:D

I'm curious to know what he was doing in Portland though. He was arrested as soon as he stepped off the plane. Whatever he was up to I'm sure he was up to no good.
Cliven Bundy, the Nevada rancher who touched off one armed showdown with federal authorities and applauded another started in Oregon by his sons, was arrested late Wednesday at Portland International Airport and faces federal charges related to the 2014 standoff at his ranch.

Bundy, 74, was booked into the downtown Multnomah County jail at 10:54 p.m.

He faces a conspiracy charge to interfere with a federal officer -- the same charge lodged against two of his sons, Ammon and Ryan, for their role in the Jan. 2 takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Burns. He also faces weapons charges.
I heard it last night. He's at least with "the boys" again,maybe even in the same unit....

Now will the FBI arrest the nutcase NV Rep. when she shows today with added incitefull public statements and possibly treasonist statements she has made just yesterday?

She was suppossed to meet Cliven at the Refuge this morning when the last 4 said they would surrender.
They could just meet her at the airport too.
She should be facing impeachment and censure in the House at the very least. She did swear an oath when she was sworn in......
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Reportedly he was on his way to join his four fellow "patriots" at the Malheur "campground".

From the livestream broadcast last night, I learned that the First Amendment should allow me the "right" to camp and occupy the parking lot at Montana FWP headquarters in Helena (public property), fully armed with munitions and snacks and with my ATV, in order to express my First Amendment right to protest the proposed Shoulder Seasons elk reduction by the guvment. Where's my blue tarp .... ?
Reportedly he was on his way to join his four fellow "patriots" at the Malheur "campground".

From the livestream broadcast last night, I learned that the First Amendment should allow me the "right" to camp and occupy the parking lot at Montana FWP headquarters in Helena (public property), fully armed with munitions and snacks and with my ATV, in order to express my First Amendment right to protest the proposed Shoulder Seasons elk reduction by the guvment. Where's my blue tarp .... ?

Don't forget to make vague threats against anyone attempting to impede your "rights". Oh and use "founding fathers" and "revolutionary war" as much as possible in your ramblings.
In all seriousness, they probably could get away with a First Amendment Argument, guns, camping and all of that, IF they had stayed outside and to the side somewhere, and not interfered with the operation of the facility. But when you place a person in *reasonable* fear of imminent bodily harm with the apparent ability to carry it out, brandish, interfere with ingress and egress, etc. then you go over the line. The courts will give some leeway over things like camping and whatnot but these fools went way beyond the pale.
i just listened to the live feed for 5 minutes and the morons were talking to Fiore. They said they deserve to be Honorary Marines for what they have done, she agreed with them. wow.

i couldnt listen more than 5 minutes without suffering brain damage!

This is Sean Anderson. One of the 4 left at the refuge. His a sovereign citizen, not peaceful in anyway, and extremely mentally ill.

The perfect video to prove this is anything but peaceful. The fact only one person has lost their life in this mess is a testament to law enforcement in my opinion, they've been very patient and did a good job.

3 out of the 4 remaining occupants have turned themselves in. David Fry is refusing to surrender and continues to threaten to "defend himself" if they come to get him.
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And then...

After liberty or death, honorary Marine status, Marijuana, UFOs and Nuke power plants it's over. I hope people who witnessed this realize just how crazy these people are?
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