Militia takes over wildlife refuge headquarters

I see the Feds took my advise and are cutting power, phone, and access. Welcome to an eastern Oregon winter fellas.
My favorite name for the "patriots" so far has to be "Vanilla ISIS"
Ammon B., have you ever marched around below zero in cowboy boots, sustaining yourself on only one bag of pretzel snacks? I didn't think this was your first "rodeo".

No tostitos, doritos, or cheetos for these banditos?
Open on:

Brave Patriots, huddle around the display of warblers, fly-catchers, herons and other tyrannical symbols of the oppressive Federal Gubmint. The men, all heavily armed and groggy from not enough juice boxes & animal crackers have managed to smuggle in a buddy heater and some single serving snickers bars. The mood is tense, and emotions are running high as their blood sugar levels drop.

Ammon: Got-dangit boys. The feds got us surrounded and we're out of juicey juices.

Patriot #1: I feel a little faint. It's been three hours since I ate them cheesy poofs.

Patriot #2: Did anyone pack extra baby ruths? I left mine out in favor of another 400 rounds of ammo.

Ammon: Boys, we'll starve before we let them take this land from my daddy!

Patriot #4: Aren't you from Nevada?

Ammon: Constitutional snacks are our birthright!

Patriot #1: Got-dangit. I'm missing Top Shot for this?
My little rant...

I wore a military uniform proudly for most of my adult life. I shed blood, sweat, and tears in that uniform in several countries. And these dumb bastards are running around in Army/Navy surplus fatigues thinking they are badasses preparing for some sort of quazi military campaign on SOCOM 4 or paintball in the back yard. It really pisses me off and is a total kick in the nuts to me and other men who have worn our uniforms proudly. Rant over :W:
My little rant...

I wore a military uniform proudly for most of my adult life. I shed blood, sweat, and tears in that uniform in several countries. And these dumb bastards are running around in Army/Navy surplus fatigues thinking they are badasses preparing for some sort of quazi military campaign on SOCOM 4 or paintball in the back yard. It really pisses me off and is a total kick in the nuts to me and other men who have worn our uniforms proudly. Rant over :W:

You're rant is very justified.
My little rant...

I wore a military uniform proudly for most of my adult life. I shed blood, sweat, and tears in that uniform in several countries. And these dumb bastards are running around in Army/Navy surplus fatigues thinking they are badasses preparing for some sort of quazi military campaign on SOCOM 4 or paintball in the back yard. It really pisses me off and is a total kick in the nuts to me and other men who have worn our uniforms proudly. Rant over :W:
They are hero's because they claim to be saving you John.
Be thankful of the brave men and women, and children who choose to don the ill fitting second hand uniform;)
Cushman, I relate and agree with your rant. Thirty years Army, with two trips to VietNam, I say to those wanna-bees, "If you really wanna be a man and stand for something, go the right way, the hard way, enlist, get trained safely and properly, and serve your Country ... then you may become a real man!"

Meanwhile, running around in repro military gear and trying to appear tough and professional really makes you look like I did in the fourth grade when we played army and dug foxholes to try to emulate those who actually fought and suffered for the Constitution. You look silly. Grow up; get real!

Thanks for the rant catalyst, Cushman. Bless you.
My little rant...

I wore a military uniform proudly for most of my adult life. I shed blood, sweat, and tears in that uniform in several countries. And these dumb bastards are running around in Army/Navy surplus fatigues thinking they are badasses preparing for some sort of quazi military campaign on SOCOM 4 or paintball in the back yard. It really pisses me off and is a total kick in the nuts to me and other men who have worn our uniforms proudly. Rant over :W:

Probably one of the better statements on this thread.
My little rant...

I wore a military uniform proudly for most of my adult life. I shed blood, sweat, and tears in that uniform in several countries. And these dumb bastards are running around in Army/Navy surplus fatigues thinking they are badasses preparing for some sort of quazi military campaign on SOCOM 4 or paintball in the back yard. It really pisses me off and is a total kick in the nuts to me and other men who have worn our uniforms proudly. Rant over :W:

Definitely well stated John, really puts this group into proper perspective, Thanks
one is ex military; convoy driver.......
Just read an article about three of them.

So they brought in a snack run specialist? Funny thing fox news is ignoring the fact that as soon as these good old hard working ranchers got to Oregon they immediately got the munchies.
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Looks like it's snowing again....

Photo courtesy Andy Nelson


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