Militia takes over wildlife refuge headquarters

My little rant...

I wore a military uniform proudly for most of my adult life. I shed blood, sweat, and tears in that uniform in several countries. And these dumb bastards are running around in Army/Navy surplus fatigues thinking they are badasses preparing for some sort of quazi military campaign on SOCOM 4 or paintball in the back yard. It really pisses me off and is a total kick in the nuts to me and other men who have worn our uniforms proudly. Rant over :W:

This. 100% this.
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If any of their guys had military experience they really should be calling in their coordinates for a Roach Coach drop by now.
Here's a question that I don't think has been asked yet: When this finally reaches it's inevitable conclusion what kind charges/punishment await the militiamen?
Here's a question that I don't think has been asked yet: When this finally reaches it's inevitable conclusion what kind charges/punishment await the militiamen?

I don't know, but this time there has to be consequences. I also think the BLM needs to go take care of Bundys cattle issue and show them they overplayed their hand. Knock these idiots down so hard they never get back up.
Here's a question that I don't think has been asked yet: When this finally reaches it's inevitable conclusion what kind charges/punishment await the militiamen?

Wondering about that myself. I guess it depends on how creative the prosecution gets and how big of a hole the Bundys dig for themselves.

As it stands, possessing a firearm in federal building would probably stick. Maybe terroristic threats or trying to incite violence depending on what happens.

some local county ordnances?

I don't think the Bundys are stupid. I believe they chose this place because it offers no threats to civilians and was closed down for the holiday season.

All it takes is one crazy guy like that YouTube poster though to spark a flame, regardless of what Bundys ultimately want.
this worries me though.

I have no tolerance for religious extremism, whether it Christian, Buddhist, Mormon or Muslim.

"Bundy also confirmed to OPB that the family’s motivation in this occupation is rooted in belief that their action is the modern-day equivalent of Captain Moroni’s “title of liberty.”
“This is just like that,” Bundy said. “My Mormonism plays a large part in what I do … the biggest part"
this worries me though.

I have no tolerance for religious extremism, whether it Christian, Buddhist, Mormon or Muslim.

"Bundy also confirmed to OPB that the family’s motivation in this occupation is rooted in belief that their action is the modern-day equivalent of Captain Moroni’s “title of liberty.”
“This is just like that,” Bundy said. “My Mormonism plays a large part in what I do … the biggest part"
Danny - Since it was my comments that were misunderstood by some I'll say something. My comments were intended to highlight how wrong it is to try and make a point out of someone's religion when they are clearly not acting according to the mainstream beliefs whether that religion has 15 million in it or 1.5 billion. So no need to mention the M word and more.
this worries me though.

I have no tolerance for religious extremism, whether it Christian, Buddhist, Mormon or Muslim.

"Bundy also confirmed to OPB that the family’s motivation in this occupation is rooted in belief that their action is the modern-day equivalent of Captain Moroni’s “title of liberty.”
“This is just like that,” Bundy said. “My Mormonism plays a large part in what I do … the biggest part"
Danny - Since it was my comments that were misunderstood by some I'll say something. My comments were intended to highlight how wrong it is to try and make a point out of someone's religion when they are clearly not acting according to the mainstream beliefs. It doesn't matter if that religion has 15 million in it or 1.5 billion. So no need to mention the M word and more.
.....too bad they never read it. The Consitution that is.
I don't think it is on Mormon top read lists either.
There . I said it. These folks are not mainstream Mormons more like the Plig sect.
There is still a seperation of church and state in there some place.
I hate it when a draft dodger religious nut of any sort tells me what is up...... MHO

Some of US did read it, well before taking a real oath to defend it.
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About sums it up:
PEER's (Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility) article OREGON REFUGE STANDOFF LATEST EXTREMIST JIHAD

Washington, DC —This week’s armed seize of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon by self-styled “militia” stems from the lack of a coherent response to earlier confrontations with anti-government extremists, according to Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), pointing to a threat assessment from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The failure by the federal government to take any action following the April 2014 armed stand-off with renegade rancher Cliven Bundy was seen by his supporters as a victory and encouraged his sons and other followers to stage similar clashes.

“Rather than abating conflict, the federal hands-off approach has backfired and enables the Bundy clan to franchise a ‘Militia McDonalds,’” stated PEER Executive Director Jeff Ruch, noting the current “call to arms” to spread resistance against “federal tyranny.” “In Nevada, federal authorities have ceded a 200-square mile militarized zone on national park and range lands as a staging ground for further operations to challenge the legitimacy of public ownership.”

The July 22, 2014 Homeland Security assessment entitled “Domestic Violent Extremists Pose Increased Threat to Government Officials and Law Enforcement,” correctly predicted that the “perceived victory” from the Bundy stand-off “is galvanizing some individuals – particularly militia extremists and violent lone offenders – to actively confront law enforcement officials, increasing the likelihood of violence.” ...
My little rant...

I wore a military uniform proudly for most of my adult life. I shed blood, sweat, and tears in that uniform in several countries. And these dumb bastards are running around in Army/Navy surplus fatigues thinking they are badasses preparing for some sort of quazi military campaign on SOCOM 4 or paintball in the back yard. It really pisses me off and is a total kick in the nuts to me and other men who have worn our uniforms proudly. Rant over :W:

Cush: I always enjoy reading your posts. Most of the time I just grin and shake my head at them - always good for a chuckle.

This post of yours has made more sense than all of your others combined. Thank you for your service - I'd have been proud to have been in your unit.

With that said your post just made me realize how really pizzed off I am at these clowns.
What do the following people have in common?

Christina Aguilera, Ryan Gosling, Katherine Heigl, Paul Walker, Gary Allan, Jewel, Mitt Romney, and Harry Reid.

They all are either currently, or were at one time, active Mormons.

My point is... That's a pretty diverse group of people. I certainly don't think connecting an entire religion to a few dudes in Oregon is really a relevant discussion to have. Let's keep it to the point and keep religion out of it. Especially a religion that has already strongly condemned the actions of these folks.
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No, but I'm wondering if I have been a law abidding,tax & bill paying, honest American all my life and was wrong.
I can just believe in what I want,screw the Constitution.
I shoulda said,"I'm a believer" ,gone on mission and skipped 2 tours.
It IS a FREE country after all.

Lard almighty,I'm free at last!
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Sometimes these posts go into the dark. Thankfully Cowboy pulled a post well respected from the pile.

Thanks Cowboy for quoting Cushman. I have not browsed the past posts beyond the current page. It is found to be mostly wasted content or choir preaching... occasionally a post that rings the knockout bell is made. Subtle, casual or in one's face.
Thank you again, John for your service and for placing some true perspective towards these... Americans.
I think Dennis green comes to mind they were who we thought they were... Ass clowns and we let them off? I will just see how it unfolds but remember how occupi New York worked out. Hippies procreating in Central Park. Send us yous wemens it's gods will and thems oven.
I support the first presidential candidate who declares Raqqa is now Bundyland and deports the militia to their new homeland. Let these bad asses experience the joys of no government.
"We are doing the same thing as Rosa Parks did. We are standing up against
bad laws which dehumanize us and destroy our freedom." - Ammon Bundy
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