Yeti GOBOX Collection

Matt Rinella knocking it outta the park

The topic was started to share Rinella’s awesome reply to Joe Rogan referring to everybody that doesn’t appreciate swarms of “influenced” hunters crowding public trailheads as “stupid” and “the dumbest fvcking people” while podcasting with the biggest social media hunting douche on earth.

Has nothing to do with how many animals Randy or anybody kills per year.
The topic was started to share Rinella’s awesome reply to Joe Rogan referring to everybody that doesn’t appreciate swarms of “influenced” hunters crowding public trailheads as “stupid” and “the dumbest fvcking people” while podcasting with the biggest social media hunting douche on earth.

Has nothing to do with how many animals Randy or anybody kills per year.

Greenhorn: Thread Police.

I'll take things I thought I'd never say for $1000, Myiam.
Ever try to count how many times you've been banned from this forum?

Happy for others to continue the conversation, whether about me, what I/we do, or otherwise. I find these discussions interesting and some of it can be helpful in what we do. But, van9840 will be banned, again.

He first got toasted here for being an ass to some members. And he will get toasted every time he signs back up.

As to his question, for the recent years I can recall:

2023 - A bear, a pronghorn, a deer, a moose, and a caribou. I have about seven hours left in an Arizona elk tag and I doubt I’m gonna see something that would cause me to add more to the 2023 freezer.

2022 - An elk and a pronghorn, if memory is correct.

2021 - A pronghorn, a mountain goat, and a moose

2020 - An elk, a Coues deer, a pronghorn, and a mule deer.

I get home next week. By then I might have something meaningful to add.
So I’m sure I’m part of the problem as an Indiana guy who got excited about western hunting via YouTube. I owe a great deal of my education to Randy and this forum. I also buy points in four states for three species. I’d cash them in if it weren’t for point creep which I realize is caused by guys like me. I know that I now care about and support public public land (particularly land a thousand miles away) in a way I never knew possible until developing a passion for hunting and fishing the west. I put about $2-6k a year into the coffers of states I don’t live in and despite my best efforts, I take markedly few furred and finned creatures off the landscape. I like to think that me joining the ranks of western hunters is a net positive but I might be way off.

To defend Randy, who really needs no defense, I think the big line in the sand is are you doing what you do because of your love of the land and the animals or are you driven by likes and followers. There’s a difference between doing something for fame, notoriety, and money than doing something out of love and passion (although fame, notoriety, and money may still come).

Lastly I will add that the love for Matt Rinella (who has a voice because of the modern social media environment) because of his willingness to bash other social media personalities who you and him both don’t like is interesting intellectual gymnastics. I also like to point out that Matt Rinella almost entirely has a platform because of being a guest celebrity hunter or guest podcast expert on the very platforms he is now trying to tear down. You can watch Matt Rinella take a group of hunters into Eastern Montana with a bunch of llamas right now on YouTube. Point being, this stuff is a bit more complicated than “good” or “bad.”
Elk hunting must be slow.
Ran to town to get gas and happened to have some decent coverage. Yeah, the elk hunting is very slow, at least for the kind of bull that would be in any danger.

Having a ton of fun though. Very cool country, very interesting history, and few hunters where we’ve been hunting. Highlight moment so far was a big mountain lion stalk through a herd of elk we were glassing.

With warm weather and high wind forecast I suspect we’ll have the place to ourselves this afternoon.
I think the trouble with this is that most of the issues have both a positive and negative side at the same time, it's hard to argue we as hunters and anglers don't need more people on our side, to some extent social media helps us here, but the D-bags probably offset that and then some, I actually think Joe Rogan is a plus, but I think the "hunters" he has on (using that word as loosely as possible) are usually the epitome of self-entitled D-bag, and he doesn't really understand hunting deeply enough to call them out on the an ideal world people that come to hunting through this door find Randy or meateater and realize there is a lot more to it than "Keep Hammering"

Randy, and to some extent Meateater, get more people into the woods with a better values system if they are paying attention, but at the cost of spot burning and dumbing down the info that is out there for anyone to find and putting it in one convenient place, FWIW I think that advocacy and the respect for the resource are worth the increase of people in the woods on this one...

Hunt quietly is a great talking point, and when it comes to social media I'm inclined to agree, but carried to the extent that Matt Rinela appears to want to go I think this is the quickest way for hunting to go away...

Looking at this on a personal level I live in a very liberal area, most people I associate with would proudly identify as liberals, I suspect by the HT standards I would look very far to the left, but I'm what most of the people I know view being a hunter as, because of that I think it's incredibly important that I'm not quiet about what I'm doing, It's incredibly important that I portray the cleanest ethics I possibly can, I give away a ton of elk meat, and I try to stay informed so if people ask a hunting question I have a well thought out answer because at any given dinner party I'll find myself talking to someone who is going to view the entirety of hunting as what I portray...

I find that the majority of things that nonhunters I know have against hunting are largely misconceptions, very rarely does someone who eats meat actually have a good reason to be against hunting if you can spend the time and talk about it, and those are the people that matter when things start happening like they are in WA and CO...
It doesn’t seem that long ago that Steve Rinella was leading Rogan around the breaks like a helpless child, which is essentially what he was. I’m pretty sure if you gave Joe a Montana, Wyoming or Idaho general elk tag on public land he’d still look just as helpless, even with that Vietnam tiger stripe camo and 110 pound Hoyt.
I wear tiger stripe because it is the way of the purple belt, ninth dan.
Rinella is poetic in his description of Joe Rogan, that he HAS NEVER BEEN HUNTING. And that Cam Hanes parent's didn't clap enough for him when they were potty training him.

It is such good stuff.
This is why I like Matt. He is snarky like me. As far as paying $22 for a t-shirt. I am reminded of what Harry Truman (another true snark when it was appropriate) was purported to say about where the KKK got their nightshirts.

Why do we need Cam and the steroid bow hunter chick? We have you Kurt. Kicking ass in the woods without the chest pounding. And you make us laugh.

I saw a woman on FB this week bitching about out of state hunters. She claimed they were killing all their subsistence in SEAK. FFS. In the same stream was a pic of a boat full of does. Sometimes you really need to look at who is doing the bitching more than what they have to say. Relevant to this, Matt is above the bar.

As a gym rat on the other side of the hill, I want to see where Cam and the like are after their cartilage dissolves. Keep Hammering takes on a whole new meaning when it describes your bones banging against each other. I hope they are saving for the future.

Yeah I’ve been trying to figure out how to shoehorn that into this conversation for the last 15 min lol
I used to follow a certain Canadian muzzle loading hunter until I heard he always had a centerfire rifle backing him up on the "dangerous" hunts. But bitching about influencers just gives them more press. If you don't like the content, don't patronize it. I wish him and his family well.

Randy is seriously the only content I watch. I quit the others long ago for the reasons Matt Rinella is spouting. I do think Steven Rinella's organization has done some important education on the NAM and how conservation is funded. I have not consumed any Meateater content in so long I cannot tell you what they are selling today. He used to get a kick out of reading my email calling him a narcissist, but maturity has taught me it takes one to know one. I had to seek out and apologize to some of his folks personally because I realized I had crossed that line where social media depersonalizes someone you disagree with. A very healing exercise for me. We all need to understand what triggers us says more about us than the trigger.

Randy got me started traveling to SEAK. I will guarantee you I've left more money there than meat and fish I've taken away. I've eaten every tag. I just love going there. When the right critter presents itself, I will punch the tag.

I hate crowding as much as anyone, but the truth is that the state agencies (except Montana's, it seems) are tasked with maintaining the sustainability of the resource. The more NR licenses and tags are sold, the more they have to do the work. Everyone bitches about Idaho's December 1st bloodbath, but IDFG has not allotted a single additional tag above the science as a result of it. When Washington and Colorado alienate hunters to the point they don't buy tags, their PR funding will be reduced. Tragic, but the logical conclusion. Washington first, because they are already hostile to NR hunters. Colorado next.

Pointing to myself here. A lot of influencers, and a lot of folks posting in this thread, are in danger of becoming:

Matt is the mouthpiece of conservationist consciousness. He’s not concerned about formality, sponsorship or publishers. Matt speaks what many think yet are reluctant to speak. Not to denigrate what many persons have done for the same just cause within the bounds of civil discourse. That’s all good and it is Matt who goes further to that uncomfortable place. He challenges the resolve of the socialmedia hunter to get out there and suffer without any work done by others.
Matt is the mouthpiece of conservationist consciousness. He’s not concerned about formality, sponsorship or publishers. Matt speaks what many think yet are reluctant to speak. Not to denigrate what many persons have done for the same just cause within the bounds of civil discourse. That’s all good and it is Matt who goes further to that uncomfortable place. He challenges the resolve of the socialmedia hunter to get out there and suffer without any work done by others.

Have you considered writing a poem about him?
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