Yeti GOBOX Collection

Matt Rinella knocking it outta the park

Trapping has been around forever. The general public doesn't have to watch the videos. Same way I don't watch videos about shit that bothers me or I don't want to see.

It's not like these videos are being played on TV at your local bar... they're YouTube videos...
In the case of Bowmar, enough people watched that a whole method of take got banned. I don't know where they watched it, but they certainly did somewhere.

I wish there was more trapping. We are overrun with coons, coyotes, etc where I live because fur prices have been low for so long. However, if people are filming live animals in foothold traps it's probably only a matter of time before it's permanently off the table.
In the case of Bowmar, enough people watched that a whole method of take got banned. I don't know where they watched it, but they certainly did somewhere.

I wish there was more trapping. We are overrun with coons, coyotes, etc where I live because fur prices have been low for so long. However, if people are filming live animals in foothold traps it's probably only a matter of time before it's permanently off the table.
Footholds are done in Co… ask how easy it is to try and make a decent trap line with cage traps on foot… yeah my trapping career ended before it began basically
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I haven’t been on IG for a long time. Went on to check out hunt quietly and do some non-productive trolling. Can’t hardly take any of these clowns. Seems like this thread/Matt is really starting to get to Cammy.
I just read thru alot of that dumpster on Insta...and nobody take this the wrong way cause I'm not claiming to be more intelligent than any of them as a whole, but it's scary how clueless and idiotic the cam supporters are....also very telling. It's like a damn cult, it seriously scares me.

That was enough social media world for me for about the next 9.5 months. I can't take another post read thru like that. My brain hurts!
That's it? Far-fetched? Radical? (more on radical below)

Like I said in a previous post, I don't watch hunting shows, so that's easy for me. And I'm not sure what "hunting equipment" you speak of, but I don't buy "hunting clothes" since I prefer stuff made for the climbing/backpacking world. I don't bowhunt so have no need for camo. However, I don't judge you for wearing camo, but I think its important the hunting community hold companies that sell the stuff accountable to a high standard of public behavior. As to not recruiting hunters, works for me. If hunting isn't something that is "native" to you, you shouldn't be doing it anyway. Taking the life of an animal is not a small thing. I prefer the "organic" method where people become hunters through personal or family connections, not hero worship of some narcissist on Instagram who monetizes death.

While you might consider it splitting the hair fine, I don't consider a place like "hunt talk" a social media site where dead animals can't be displayed. Sharing a dead animal tastefully and respectfully on a hunting BB is like being at church with believers. No one here is a stranger to hunting. Putting crass chit on Facebook or Instagram is another thing, and that's where we do ourselves no favors. But again, how a dead animal is presented is important (I think it's important here too). Not sure how that should be considered far-fetched? You think the monetization and commodification of killing animals a good thing? I consider it almost modern day market hunting in another guise.

Also, if you read MR's bullet points carefully, he uses nuanced words like "avoid" and "discourage" - hardly the black and white language like you're representing it to be.

A little lesson on the word "radical" - comes from the Latin word "Radix" which means "root." When something is radical that means it is the essence or fundamental nature of a thing - the root. So really, calling someone like Matt Rinella (or me) radical, is a compliment. Thank you.

While I don't know Matt Rinella, and really know little about him, I'm basically 95%+ in his camp from what I see of him (I'd never heard of him until recently on this site). That he says many of the same things I've been saying for years put him right in my confirmation bias wheelhouse lol.
I agree with some of your points. Having tasteful pictures of dead animals is probably the most important thing. Non hunters will scroll past it with no issues. But when the tongue is hanging out and it's laying in a pool of its own blood, that's when non hunters think "what the hell".

Everything is monetized these days. Almost any content you put on YouTube can be monetized. But lots of hunting videos are not monetized. I rarely use Instagram, but when I do, it's to consume hunting content. I love seeing pics of my friends deer and other critters. You only see content from people you follow. If someone doesn't want to see that kind of stuff, then they don't follow said person.

Less than 4% of the US population are hunters. Cut that number in half or even into 3rds to create these subcategories of hunters who don't like the way someone else hunts. Then people proceed to create online drama about it is not a good look for hunters.

Instead of hunt quietly, just disagree quietly, because right now, people are making it look like hunters don't even like hunters.

Lastly, hunttalk is without a doubt considered social media. Yes, it is mostly hunters. But most of the people who are consuming hunting content via social media are hunters. There's no screening process. Anyone can join, anyone can follow.
I agree with some of your points. Having tasteful pictures of dead animals is probably the most important thing. Non hunters will scroll past it with no issues. But when the tongue is hanging out and it's laying in a pool of its own blood, that's when non hunters think "what the hell".

Everything is monetized these days. Almost any content you put on YouTube can be monetized. But lots of hunting videos are not monetized. I rarely use Instagram, but when I do, it's to consume hunting content. I love seeing pics of my friends deer and other critters. You only see content from people you follow. If someone doesn't want to see that kind of stuff, then they don't follow said person.

Less than 4% of the US population are hunters. Cut that number in half or even into 3rds to create these subcategories of hunters who don't like the way someone else hunts. Then people proceed to create online drama about it is not a good look for hunters.

Instead of hunt quietly, just disagree quietly, because right now, people are making it look like hunters don't even like hunters.

Lastly, hunttalk is without a doubt considered social media. Yes, it is mostly hunters. But most of the people who are consuming hunting content via social media are hunters. There's no screening process. Anyone can join, anyone can follow.
-Do we really know what hits the general public wrong? Is the "no tongue hanging out and no pool of blood" established as an issue, or is it just what we've been told? Hunting is a messy process, and at what point are you not being honest about what really happens? Which is one of Matt's points, either show it all or show none of it.

-Everything is not monetized. I don't monetize my family or my faith, and those who do irritate me. Why should I advocate for hunting to be monetized?

-I think if I were on the outside looking in, I'd rather see a group engaged in robust discussions about what's appropriate or not, than to see a monolithic group who wrap all the bad actors into the fold in the interests of solidarity.

-While forums and algorithm based platforms are technically both social media, the way they work is as different as apples and hand grenades. The above poster who compared it to believers in a church setting made a great point. That said, there are many of us who think pretty hard about what we put on forums.
Instead of hunt quietly, just disagree quietly, because right now, people are making it look like hunters don't even like hunters.

Not all hunters are dropping 40k+ a year on private ranch hunts and landowner tags, and then getting on the most viewed podcast in the world and telling the rest of the hunting public they’re socialist for being concerned about public land trailhead and hunting pressure. Not all hunters are poaching animals for social media content and sponsorships. Not all hunters are trespassing private land so they can film a video for YouTube.

Some hunters don’t deserve to be liked and we shouldn’t be afraid to say it. We damn sure shouldn’t be protecting them or their image so hunters can appear to be on the “same team”. F that.
Instead of hunt quietly, just disagree quietly, because right now, people are making it look like hunters don't even like hunters.

Buddy, plenty of hunters are deserving the hate. Blindly following the masses because I have an activity in common with them is asinine.

Most of those influencers have an army of #Elkblood drinking, brain dead idiots supporting them anyway.

We should 100% call out hypocrites and the goobers supporting them.

Imagine bootlicking the people responsible for making it harder for you to get tags and access.

Being part of the Bro Nation < Hunting opportunities
Pretty sad watching other wannabe influencers defending cam during his meltdown. Just because you defend him doesn’t mean he’s going to be your friend or take you hunting. Maybe they should pay attention that all his “friends” and hunting partners are guides, sponsors or other “celebs” he can use to make himself feel famous
Most of those influencers have an army of #Elkblood drinking, brain dead idiots supporting them anyway.
I never had Facebook before but marketplace is so convenient for us at times I had to make one. Next thing you know I'm looking at hunting content and boy there are some brain dead mofos out there and I am putting that lightly. Like scary dumb.
Pretty sad watching other wannabe influencers defending cam during his meltdown. Just because you defend him doesn’t mean he’s going to be your friend or take you hunting. Maybe they should pay attention that all his “friends” and hunting partners are guides, sponsors or other “celebs” he can use to make himself feel famous

My guy, I follow him on IG and call him by his first name, we're pretty much bros.

I bet he's about to DM me any day now if I keep using #CamHaines and #KeepHammering #s.
Unless you're hunting unlimited otc units there aren't any more hunters. The guys already there had the same idea and you got there late. While it's ironic that Rogan brought it up as he doesn't hunt public, he wasn't wrong; find another spot (trailhead). Most of us do that on a regular basis.

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