Why the Poor Get Trapped in Depressed Areas
It’s harder than ever for the poor to simply pick up and move.newrepublic.com
"...because while the suggestion to “go get a U-Haul” sounds simple, it’s an impossible task for somebody with no savings."
^This has been what I've observed. My best friend moved to Connecticut. It cost no less than $5k. He had it, so it wasn't a big deal. But yeah man, I have family that I doubt has $100 in savings. Maybe that's a decision, that kind of depends on where you land on a spectrum of philosophical positions about people and the economy.
Do those family members not have the ability to start a trades apprenticeship?
And I know it's not always that easy. It may not happen for that generation, but they can educate their kids/grandkids to make better life decisions. Generational patterns are hard to break but once again, those are individual decisions that people make.
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