LWCF: MT Representatives stance

Not received a response from MT Senator Tester, yet. If / when I do, I'll share it here unless another has a response they can share.
I am confident of his position on LWCF though it would be good to have them visible for others who may be formulating positions.
I'm not a fan of his recent XXXXX position though that is outside the Conservation world of content. He's had my votes in the past though that may change. Glad, as I believe, he is fully supportive of LWCF.

Tester has been the leader on LWCF for a very long time. His work is what Daines & Gianforte piggyback off of. I applaud Daines for saying the right thing, almost. He doesn't need to follow Bishop on "reform" of a program that works incredibly well as it currently stands, but it fits his narrative of wanting to eliminate protections on public lands in favor of development. Throwing the bone of increased access is his way of greenwashing what is essentially an anti-conservation record during his time in congress.

Gianforte is a criminal who needs to be sent back to his McMansion where he can yell at kids for fishing on his river.
Which one do you think will be tapped to go up against Gianforte?
So you have no personal preference of these candidates?

Semantics are important. Those are two distinctly different questions. Personally, I favor Kathleen Williams because I have watched her get things accomplished as a moderate. She is a balanced, ethical, smart person with the right motivation to work on behalf of all Montanans.
Unfortunately the other candidates have out-campaigned her through ads and media, so I am not encouraged that she will oppose GG. Kier and Heenan have had much TV face time, so may be a toss-up. It's a difficult conjecture at this point.
I didn't realize this email was shipped into another folder. He responded promptly along with the others.


Thank you for contacting me about the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). I appreciate hearing from you and share your support for this popular conservation initiative.

As a strong supporter of LWCF, I am proudly cosponsoring a bipartisan bill (S. 569) that would fully fund the LWCF at $900 million a year and permanently reauthorize it. The LWCF uses offshore oil revenues, not tax dollars, to invest in one of the biggest assets to Montana's economy: our public lands and our right to access and enjoy them.

The LWCF supports on-the-ground efforts that increase public access to hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation. It also helps secure easements that promote conservation on ranches and forested lands. In Montana, it's already invested more than $500 million over the last five decades in areas such as the Rocky Mountain Front, Sun Ranch, the North Swan Valley, and the Blackfoot Valley.

As a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, I will defend LWCF and its original intent and oppose efforts to undermine access to public land. Please don't hesitate to contact me again if I can be of further assistance.


Jon Tester
United States Senator