PEAX Equipment

Lost a Family member


New member
Mar 28, 2001
Ohio but my heart is always in the woods
Today I lost a friend and part of my family. Goodbye Jake.


We had him at camp. He started lying around late evening,whimpering and not moving. Well this morning he was gone. We examined him and found 2 marks in his leg after Doris remembering him yelping early yesterday while he was running around the pound. So it is possible he was snakebit.(Lots of snakes in the area mostly copperheads)

But he lived a long life and was 15 years old and we had some great times while he was with us.

I'm terribly sorry to hear the news. A family dog is still a member of the family. I'm glad you've had 15 years with him. I'm sure he was one heck of a dog and one great part of the family. Rest assured, he's in a better place.

My condolences to your family.
I feel your lost Nut..We lost both of our dogs.. Buddy in November and had to put Sasha down Feb.. Pictures do help with the pain...

Sorry to hear about your loss, I've lost a couple of dogs and it is tough. I think I'm a tough guy but your dog always lives in your heart. Sorry to hear the news, I feel your pain.

So sorry to hear about Jake Fred.
well dang it! I hit the bottun twice. sorry bout that folks
Sorry to hear about that Nut. At least it sounds like he didn't suffer for long, and he lived a very long life, for a dog. Also I am sure he had a much better life than many dogs do.
It sure dose hurt when you loss a pet. it was really lonely here today.
even the pup we got two years ago misses Jake he just sits and dont want to play he gos out back and howls at the place we laid Jake to rest.
Sorry about your loss, I know how devistated I would be if something happened to my dog. He is more than a dog he is a member of the family.
Sorry to here of your loss Nut. He'll be missed by that big pond, with all the ducks and the big pointy thing shining in the pool.

Truly, sorry to here of your loss.:( Loosing a friend/family member is never easy.

I share in your loss.

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