Looking for suggestions on a new caliber

I recently switched to a 7mm-08 for deer. However, I would recommend the .270 Win. You can find ammo for it almost anywhere. The .270 served me well for decades : deer, elk, moose, caribou. I still own two. Carried one for work for many years.
Why would you be looking for something bigger than a 25-06 for deer? I personally would be looking for something smaller that is easier to shoot.
Both calibers you have will kill everything in NA. My go to is my .25-06 for whitetail, mule deer and antelope, and my .300 WM for anything bigger. If I'm hunting up North in the thick bush I take my 45-70 though.

If you want a caliber with a huge variety of ammo, definitely go for a .308. My .308 is now my brother's rifle when he comes here to hunt. He's killed a few deer with it over the years and so have I before getting my .25-06.
Lots of choices that fit the bill, but you said you wanted a wide ammo selection. I think you're looking for a .308 win. .30-06 would certainly fit the bill too, but I've noticed the last couple of ammo shortages, that .308 ammo seems more available.
Why would you be looking for something bigger than a 25-06 for deer? I personally would be looking for something smaller that is easier to shoot.

That was my thought as well. “More deer oriented but bigger than 25-06?”, 25-06 is overkill for deer. Not bad, just more than enough. Not sure why you’d want a heavier bullet or slower velocity?
I have a 45-70, 7mm08 and 300wm. Covers pretty much whatever. I like my guns to have specific purposes. I guess you just need to look at how you hunt if you really want a new caliber. What you have will kill a deer. I would say if you hunt in the woods a caliber like a 45-70, 30-30, 350 legend might be beneficial for the closer shots in thick cover.

If you're more of a field, foot plot, shooting lane type whitetail hunter and you like your 25-06 I'd spend the new rifle money on tricking out your 25-06 (new scope, carbon fiber barrel, carbon fiber stock, suppressor, new trigger etc).
A standard 7mm or 30 caliber cartridge will fit in perfectly between your two excellent cartridges.

I'm a fan of the 06. It's done everything that can be done on the north American continent, and 95% of the rest of the world. The 308 is a great cartridge as well with a more efficient case and less recoil. The 7mm-08 is pretty danged nice as well.
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