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Limited Draw Colorado Elk Archery


Active member
Aug 23, 2015
I'm purposefully trying to leave this somewhat vague to not upset some members by listing the specific unit but wanted to see if anyone had some thoughts on what I can expect for my upcoming hunt. I have a limited draw either sex archery elk tag that doesn't take many points to draw. For the purpose of this post we will call it 2-3 points. There are no OTC hunts in this unit in any season. My only elk hunting experience has been in OTC Colorado Units or very dense elk units in NM where the elk are everywhere.

For these limited draw Colorado units should I be expecting to see/glass elk just about each day (that is definitely not my experience in OTC units)? I don't want to bounce around to much if I am in what I think is a good area but just haven't found them. But I also don't want to spend to much time in a spot picking apart every last opening if they should be more plentiful then that. Generally I hike about 6-10 miles a day depending on what is going on and am hoping I will see an elk a day.

I'm curious what other people have experienced with similar tags that aren't "glory" tags but still take a few points to draw.

Thanks in advance and i'm happy to chat in a PM if anyone is willing to talk.
From my LIMITED experience in a similar low pp unit, it is not a whole lot different than an OTC unit. Glassing always helps. The couple units I went to on a limited draw, I saw elk or heard elk every day. Didn't see elk every day. And sometimes it was just their rump running away from me but that counts.
I hunt a unit like that every year as a resident, averages out to ever other year with a tag. Hopefully alternating with my hunting partner. 2-3 points for a non-resident. I’m assuming your hunting first season, as a five day season we usually see elk 3 out of 5 days. May be a mile or two away or simply shooting across a far hillside mid day. It is still elk hunting and possible to go a week without seeing them. Also, just because it is a limited draw, doesn’t mean there won’t be a lot of people. I would look at harvest rates in that unit, then double that rate. If you put in the work, a 30 percent harvest rate should produce seeing elk 60 percent of the days you are out there.
Are you a RESIDENT? Based off Denver as location, I suspect yes. There are two kinds of "low tier" PP ( not 0/1 ) units for residents.

1.) Ones with slightly less pressure
2.) Ones closer to home ( ie, front range units )

Not really possible to tell which kind you've got, but I have friends that really like those types of units. However, they're not going to be like the green or blue chip units.
From my LIMITED experience in a similar low pp unit, it is not a whole lot different than an OTC unit. Glassing always helps. The couple units I went to on a limited draw, I saw elk or heard elk every day. Didn't see elk every day. And sometimes it was just their rump running away from me but that counts.
Thank you! I would actually be very happy with that and for some people that is probably what they see in OTC units haha... just not me.
I hunt a unit like that every year as a resident, averages out to ever other year with a tag. Hopefully alternating with my hunting partner. 2-3 points for a non-resident. I’m assuming your hunting first season, as a five day season we usually see elk 3 out of 5 days. May be a mile or two away or simply shooting across a far hillside mid day. It is still elk hunting and possible to go a week without seeing them. Also, just because it is a limited draw, doesn’t mean there won’t be a lot of people. I would look at harvest rates in that unit, then double that rate. If you put in the work, a 30 percent harvest rate should produce seeing elk 60 percent of the days you are out there.

Thats an interesting rule of thumb, I'll post some follow up in this thread after this hunt letting you know what it was like. I picked this archery tag up as a re issue tag and plan to be in a similar situation as you where my brother (non resident) and I hope to kind of switch off some of these lower point limited draw units every other year or so.
Are you a RESIDENT? Based off Denver as location, I suspect yes. There are two kinds of "low tier" PP ( not 0/1 ) units for residents.

1.) Ones with slightly less pressure
2.) Ones closer to home ( ie, front range units )

Not really possible to tell which kind you've got, but I have friends that really like those types of units. However, they're not going to be like the green or blue chip units.
Yeah i'm a resident and this is a good ways away from Denver and with no OTC tags at all so i'm hoping it will be less hunting pressure but expect to see recreational hikers so we are planning to avoid trails/trailheads as much as possible.
I used to alternate between OTC and a 0-1 point unit whenever I could get it, the hunting was noticeably better in the draw unit, still lots of people but it seemed to remove the yahoo who bought the tag at Walmart the night before the season started... the experience was better and it was usually possible to find a mature bull or two to chase which can be tough on OTC tags...
pretty much any time I'm not seeing elk daily I'm moving, OTC or draw, cover ground until you are on elk consistently...
also not sure how much I'd avoid trails, hunters tend to not use popular trails because they think elk avoid them, I've killed a couple of pretty big bulls within 1/4 mile of really popular hiking trails...
Thats an interesting rule of thumb, I'll post some follow up in this thread after this hunt letting you know what it was like. I picked this archery tag up as a re issue tag and plan to be in a similar situation as you where my brother (non resident) and I hope to kind of switch off some of these lower point limited draw units every other year or so.
Nice, I would think the chances of seeing elk on a archery tag draw only tag would be higher than my stats. It would be interesting to get a larger sample size. My numbers are completely a guess based on first season in co. Maybe I’ll start a poll.
Are you a RESIDENT? Based off Denver as location, I suspect yes. There are two kinds of "low tier" PP ( not 0/1 ) units for residents.

1.) Ones with slightly less pressure
2.) Ones closer to home ( ie, front range units )

Not really possible to tell which kind you've got, but I have friends that really like those types of units. However, they're not going to be like the green or blue chip units.
This is usually how I think about that class of tags as well. My nephew has one in the "#2" bucket this season and I'm really excited to help on random weeknights.

I know of one unit that fits the "#1" bill in the lower point ranges (I turkey hunt there some times) and from random conversations with locals over the years, the pressure should be quite a bit lower than OTC units (by which it is surrounded), which is a huge attraction.

As it sits today, limited hunter numbers are my main interest in hunts that take points. I think 0->4 is the sweet spot in CO if that (limited pressure) is your goal. I'm with the sentiment that having a tag like that every couple years (even more frequently if you partner up) is a great goal to get away from the crowds.
From my LIMITED experience in a similar low pp unit, it is not a whole lot different than an OTC unit. Glassing always helps. The couple units I went to on a limited draw, I saw elk or heard elk every day. Didn't see elk every day. And sometimes it was just their rump running away from me but that counts.
i very dislike Raddy

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