Lightweight 410

So I already have a single shot .410 in ancient vintage similar to the steven's above. It runs +5 lbs. That cricket is just under 3 lbs. @Straight Arrow I like the idea, but that thing is over 6 lbs.

No .410 pistol recommendations yet?
I see. Light for me is less than 6.5 lbs. 5.25 is out
What's the LOP?
13.5 or 11.5 if you remove the spacer to shorten it for your kids. I've seen a version with an 18 or 20 inch barrel minus the spacer in tbe stock designed for kids that retails for approx $159. The one I've got weighs in at 3.5 lbs and you can hold and aim it like a pistol. Definitely cheap fun that can kill.20231009_204444.jpg
TC contender with Super 14 .45 Colt/.410 vent rib barrel

But I thought you wanted an adult sized shotgun you could shoot well?
Shoot well yes, but maybe a pistol meets that reasonably well. I couldn't see through that damn peep sight when trying to hold the cricket like a pistol. Damn old eyes.

But I really think that tuffy is the ticket
Yildiz is lightest. Rossi is next. A good turkey choke will make a 35 yard pattern with Winchester's heaviest load of 7.5s
Citori Lightning if you can find one. They truly are a great gun. I have killed a TON of game with mine.

Have you looked at 410 ammo recently. You'll need xray vision or an active imagination. VERY hard to find any. Seems to be a lot of pre-COVID 28 gauge still on the shelves. That would be a better option. Ammo is there but NOT cheap.
When I bought the first box of 28ga shells, they were target shells and I got thr whole flat and a 600 Jr to go with it. Couple bags of shot. primers and wads!
Guys we're talking something you would pack on a 15 mile hike with 5k vert, 1.5k off trail scrambling over boulders. Something that's strapped to your pack most of the time

In that case I'd buy a cool Henry lever-action .410 (y)

...just because I want one
I leaned that way at first, but I'm fairly certain I hit at least one bird squarely in the chest cavity and it still flew off so far as to be unrecoverable.
I'd rather err on recovery
If you can find .22 longs, those work much better for killing grouse than LR. For years I packed my dad's Smith & Wesson K22 in my daypack. I shot a pile of grouse with it. In Montana of course. Sadly, it's not legal to hunt with handguns up here.

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