Life Changing News (The real deal....)


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
OK, It's been a long time coming and probably not exciting to most here (The wait and all :p) ...probably, but I gave my 2 weeks notice to the Firm I'm working at this morning. I've been there for over 10 years or more I think and it will be hard to leave but I figured I'd try something new.

I teamed up With DEADEYE270 (Most know him by the guy that shot the Idaho Goat, and one of my Elk/deer hunting partners) to start up a New Engineering firm (Elk Mountain Engineering, Inc.) here in Nampa. (YAH, about 2 mins from the house.. 2.2 mins if the Traffics bad hump


With just the 2 of us We're opening the doors Next Monday. (Actually I won't be there "FULL" time quiet yet) but close I'm sure with 16 hour days..

Remind me that starting a Business gives you MORE free time right ?!?! ;)

Bank account : $0
Old Debt (Cars/trucks/houses) : almost 1 million
New Company Debt : $275,000
Monthly debt : $5,500

Look on Wifes face when I told her I'm quiting my Job to start a New Company with no clients ... PRICELESS !!!! :eek:
Best of luck. I'm betting you're sharp enough to pull it off. Like the logo.
Congrats on having a pair of big ones to do something like this. Life won't be boring.

And best of luck to W for doing it, and even braver, doing it with you.
Good deal Moosie !
Self employed is the only way to fly, if you can swing it.
You will truly reap what you sow. And you won't mind those long hours too bad, as the harder you work, the more you should make.

What kind of work do you guys do?
Way to go brother! Hope everything works out and you never look back. But incase it doesnt, can you have your old job back? LOL. Look forward to hooking up next time im in town.
That's friggin' awesome Moosie. I'm glad to see your wife gave you your balls back! 2 minutes from work? That's gotta suck. Congrats on the big move Moose Man!
Wile, I dont think she gave them back, just loaned em to him... Ya Oscar would have loved to see the look on her face. Priceless may not describe it. Im sure we wont see him spending too much time on here now, she will have a skillet over his head saying you better get to work and make some money mutha....
Short term you will love it and hate it. Long term you will and your wife will surely love it. Best of luck to you and DEADEYE on your new venture, I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Last summer I only had 5 days off, this summer I will have every weekend off and more than likely I will be having 3 day or 2 1/2 day weekends all summer and will be making more $$ than last summer. It will be fun, adventurous, stressfull and maddening all at the same time.
We mostly do Civil Engineering. I'm not an Engineer , just a Cadd/Design guy. We have some clients that are Mutual to Warren and me. Some that I know, and ALOT that he knows. We have some Large projects out there but some Smaller 20-100k jobs lines up. Deadeyes Company is So busy they told him to Take his Jobs with him when he leaves, (Not that they wouldn't have come anyways :D ) So We won't be starting from exactly nothing..... :p

Whats cool is Mojave (And she'll tell you this) figured I wouldn't probably amount to much. I'm guessing most any that knew me would have thunked (Yah thats a word) that..... Heck, I sucked at School and hated Athority :D In College (Can't even spell it :p ) I was voted "Least likely to succeed". Left my 2 year degree early and came back for finals and maybe Might have gotten a D+ :p But I was in the workforce. Grades weren't all that important. I went to Work with the Best student in the class and He was an IDIOT !! He knew book stuff but no Commen sense. Needless to say, I think I've faired well for not being "THAT SMART" :D

So Here I am, Owner of the Best Hunting website :p Starting whats gonig to be Nampas Best Engineering firm (And I'm not an Engineer :p) couple of rentals, 6 I think. Some property for a Cabin. Not a Shabby house and "junk" inside. Get to do some Hunting in other states, Hitting AK again this year. Great wife, 4 kids. YAH, Not to Shabby for a 33 Year old looser..........

Not to Brag... but "Least likely to Succeed" can Kiss my A$$ :D
Geez thats alot better than making us think you were dying... I think thats great news... Good Luck.....your another example of the degree doesn`t make the long as you know how to learn thats what counts... On the job training is the best experiance I.M.O.....Your not afraid to take a risk got to love that.
Congrats on the new venture. We had a business for 27 years, treated us well for a long time. I liked the freedom of being able to take time off for hunting and fishing. All I had to do was work harder to catch up before and after.
Good luck, and thanks for finally coming thru with the Life Changing News.
Good luck guys, I hope everything goes well for you. Now that you have all this free time are you ready to for spring bear?
Good luck Mooseman...but, like Bill said, it can be pretty taxing and I found it tough to stop putting in "just one more hour..." when I owned my business.

In fact the years after I quit the Farce Service to go independent were the years that I hunted the least amount in my life :eek: and that was before I had kids!!

Best of luck to you man....way to hang a pair! hump
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