Liberal press[at it again]

Why can't you guys get this ?
It's not the reporter , It's the 3,000 innocent Americans killed by radical muslim terrorists on 9-11 , you might be able to forgive and forget , but I sure as hell can't !
Yes I did , comments are as follows ; give the Marine a medal and try the reporter for treason .

Why can't you guys get this ?
It's not the reporter ,.....

If it is not the reporter, why try him for Treason? Are you now advocating we end the Free Press, and have reporters tried for treason anytime they document wrongdoing by Dubya and his Federal Employees?

What a scary thought....

R.I.P. the US Constitution. :(
The only thing i can say to any of you, is that if you haven't had your ass in the grass with the enemy, you haven't got a clue what you are talking about. Any of you, and I know there are some, who have actually been in combat when the bullets are flying and the mortars and rpg's are whistling, and you feel so scared that you are ice cold and thinking of nothing other than keeping yourself and your brothers alive, understand. It's all a calculation and reaction. There is no compassion because compassion for the enemy equals death for you or for your comrads. You fight, you kill, you survive. If you are very lucky, your mind shifts into a different gear. Sight, sound, smell, it all takes on a different sense. You come away from it with a numbness that helps you retain your sanity.

If you've never been there, you not only have no grounds for understanding, you have no right to judge what men will do during and after a firefight. You all talk about this like it's Monday morning quarterbacking some football game. I see a few assholes (present company included) judging men who they have no right to judge. They are making calls about something for which they have no basic understanding. Gunner, you set yourself up to judge a man you have no right to judge. You are assessing an act that took place in a situation that you can't begin to comprehend. What the cameraman did was wrong. He should have shut the #*^@#* up and walked away. He should be packed up and shipped back home to photograph football games or weddings or car races. Better yet, he should be sent out to some rice paddi to pick up his best friend in a pancho liner so all of the pieces can get to the same place at the same time. He should find a buddy strung up in the bushes with his testicles cut off and shoved in his mouth. He should watch another friend catch a B2 rocket in the chest and vaporize so that all that's left of him is his feet in his boots. He should come face to face on a dark night with someone who has no intent other than to take his life. So close you can smell the garlic on his breath and the sweat of his body. Then he might have some concept of war.

I think everyone should go back to the top of this thread and read all the posts again. I guess if we're going to defend freedom of speech and freedom of the press we're going to have to accept reporting of actual events recorded on video. The problem with video, or anything else, is that it doesn't always tell every side of the story.

I have no problem with the Marine shooting the wounded insurgent. I give the Marines every benefit of the doubt about any actions they take. On the other hand, what did you want the reporter to do? Should he have destroyed the video?

Suppose any video uncovered repeated very unethical or illegal actions of any kind that led to reforms? Remember Rodney King? Controversial, sure, and I think Rodney and the insurgent probably both got what they deserved, but should videos like those be suppressed?
There is rarely ethics in war. War is about survival. The way the war is conducted changes from situation to situation. Sometimes the best thing to say or see is nothing.
Hey DanR,

Why don't you go down to you local Community College and learn how to read? Please show me where I said anything that "judges" the man. You obviously can't read worth shit, and hopefully you have been drinking today, as your post would be embarassing for you if you are sober.

I get a laugh out of the "judge a man you have no right to judge. You are assessing an act that took place in a situation that you can't begin to comprehend. What the cameraman did was wrong. " line you have.

Kind of funny that you are judging the cameraman.....

What do you think of the "ethics" of the insurgents with the white flag firing on the Marines? I guess you can justify that as being "part of battle"?
Ha!Ha!Ha!.. I haven't been drinking Gummer. Thanks for proving my point. I told you you didn't understand. Go and find yourself someone with a CIB who can sit and talk with you about life and death and what it's like to fight to stay alive..but most of them won't say a word. They just look at you like you're stupid and too nosey. Maybe then you'll undertstand when it's approriate to talk and when it's more appropriate to just keep moving.

Hey DanR,

I read a story about some study on aging, and it concluded that as people become elderly, they are unable to accept viewpoints and opinions that they haven't thought of on their own. Somehow it was tied to diminishing mental capacity and the onset of Alzheimers. Do you remember at what age you first started showing these symptoms?

Ohh, and by the way, could you show me where I have ever criticized the Marine? You might have to go get your "reading glasses", and perhaps find somebody to hold the monitor at arm's length so your old eyes can focus. But, you won't find it. Like many forms of dementia, it is just in your mind...

But again, why are you judging that man, when you are thousands of miles away, and don't have a clue?
You remember that story when you run into someone who fits the description.

I have my reading glasses thank you and my eyes focus just fine. I'm not the one with the perception problem.

danr55 said:
You remember that story when you run into someone who fits the description.

I have my reading glasses thank you and my eyes focus just fine. I'm not the one with the perception problem.


I know a lot of older people can remember stories from the 1920's and such, but can't remember what they just read. Seems like you must be suffering from the same, as I haven't criticized the kid that did the shooting, but yet you seem to not be able to remember what is in this thread, but you can remember ancient history of things like when you saw the first automobile come to town...

Again, why did you judge that guy from thousands of miles away, when you didn't have a clue? |oo

Here's a quote of yours that sums it up. "Win the battle...... Lose the war....."

You and your kind can only hope for this. We will win however, despite the fact that we have way too many spoiled, guttless, worthless pricks like you, doing your best to make us lose. You may want to go back and review my earlier commet to you.

The cameraman should have used better judgement. He knew this would be used as a tool. It's a free country and he can do as he see's fit, but I am also free to critisize him for what he did. I think it was an incredibly bad move on his part. Most of America would agree.

ElkGunner said:

Are you really that stupid that you don't understand that single act by that Marine will be used to recruit 1,000 more "terrorists"?

Win the battle...... Lose the war....
It's not the act of the marine, rather the act of the liberal press that may recruit more terrorists. :rolleyes:
Gummer, you're reaching. What precisely are your trying to say? Are you trying to defend your comment or the nature of your comment or your entire mode of thinking? You're a liberal at heart and there's nothing wrong with that... except you're a liberal at heart.

By the way. You never answered about being a lawyer or a politician. Are you?

BigHornRam said:

Here's a quote of yours that sums it up. "Win the battle...... Lose the war....."

The cameraman should have used better judgement. He knew this would be used as a tool. It's a free country and he can do as he see's fit, but I am also free to critisize him for what he did. I think it was an incredibly bad move on his part. Most of America would agree.


Not surprising that you aren't bright enough to understand the comment of "Win the battle.....Lose the war". Yeppers, that kid killed the Iraqi. He definitely won that day's "battle"..... Didn't he?

That footage was showed up and down Arab Street for a week. Kinda seems like that "battle" hurt the "war"....

There is a role and an obligation on journalists part, and without them being true to their obligations, we have a much scarier world. I am guessing you always thought Pravda was an example of how journalists should behave???

Hey DanR,

Must be a bummer that you are confused again..... Check the medicine cabinet and make sure you took all the medications in the little Pill box under the "Friday" heading... :rolleyes:

Your right. It's the video of the Marines act that is being USED to recruit more terrorists, not the act itself. The press knew this before they aired it. They choose to go ahead and air it anyway. Once again, they put their agenda ahead of common sense.

BigHornRam said:

Your right. It's the video of the Marines act that is being USED to recruit more terrorists, not the act itself. The press knew this before they aired it. They choose to go ahead and air it anyway. Once again, they put their agenda ahead of common sense.



Go read Ithica's link, as you will see. The video was "poll video" and the guy was operating under the agreement with the Marine Corp.

I'm guessing that when the New York Times ran Abu Gahrab as the front page story 50 some times, this is the kind of "journalism" you subscribe to. You make me sick.
Ha Ha Ha Gummer, you are hilarious.. Of course I took all the pills in the little box marked Friday.. What does that have to do with you being a liberal? Why do you keep dodging issues and twisting stuff around? Why don't you just answer the question? Seems you are developing some bad habits of getting in over your head.

Just answer the question. Are you a lawyer or a politician? Seems simple to me.


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