Leupold/Zeiss part 2


New member
Dec 23, 2000
What do you consider "the next step up" from Leu VX 3, or Zeiss Conquest ?

Both of these scopes are available in the $500 range. If one was willing to spend more than that, is there anything better for under $1,000 ?
I have a Leupold on my 30-06 and and a Zeiss on my 300 WSM. I will often take both guns to the range and shoot one while the other cools down. In my opinion the Zeiss is far clearer and better to shoot from. Both are very comparable in power (3.5-10) and both are 50mm objectives. I used to love Leupolds but my eyes love the Zeiss more!
I posted this before, but I've converted my Big Game buddies to Zeiss from Leupold after they looked through through my Zeiss scopes, they especially like the fixed eye relief.

My family used only Leupold all the way up through the 90's, but they're time has pasted as far as being the best out there
best glass

I don't know what you have or what type of hunting you do but if you are intent on spending more money I would spend it on binoculars rather than a scope. A scope is simply a sighting device and is used for a very short time. While it is important to have a good one you can easily reach the point of diminishing returns. You are also within shooting range when you use it.

A good set of binoc's will be looked through much more and help you find the animal on which to use the scope.

I like my Zeiss a bit better than the Leopolds but both are good. I'm not sure what you gain by moving up from there.
I would spend it on binoculars rather than a scope..

I currently use Leica Ultravids, don't think I will be up grading them.

The scope I'm looking for will go on a .338 mag.

It has a VX-III, 1.5 X 5 on it, but I think I want to go with more power, maybe 2.5X8 or 3X9.

I've been going back and forth between a 2.5X8X36 Leupold VX-3 and a Zeiss 3X9 Conquest.
Both in the $400 to $500 range.
The only other contender I can find, without spending over a grand is a Swaro American hunter (1") 3X9 at about $900.

There are lots of options in the "Under $500 category, then it seems to jump up to the "Over $1,500 category with almost nothing in between.
Anyone ever used Zeiss for warranty work or repairs? Optics are not a small purchase for me and my budget, so that matters to me. Leupold is the standard for post sale customer support.
I just bought a Trijicon Accupoint 5-20x50mm Mil-Dot. Very clear glass. I was testing it at dusk, and my Leupold VX3 4.5-14 wasn't even close to as clear with both scopes set to 14 power. At 300 yards, I could clearly make out a jackrabbit under the trees at dusk with the Trijicon. With the Leupold, I could see something, but couldn't make it out.
Anyone ever used Zeiss for warranty work or repairs? Optics are not a small purchase for me and my budget, so that matters to me. Leupold is the standard for post sale customer support.

I just got my Zeiss Conquest scope back from warranty work. Other than taking a long time (3 months), and not knowing when they would complete it, and not being able to get good status on the repair, it was repaired. They do carry a lifetime warranty, just like Leupold, and I think you can expect them to live up to it. I have Leupold scopes, but have never had a warranty issue with them, so I can't speak to their warranty service.
Thanks for the info! From all the reports I've read about Leupold's warranty work, that time frame appears to be more than 3X longer than it would take them. I haven't had to have any warranty work done by any optics company yet, but that is something I will consider when buying in the future.

I will be testing Kenetreks warranty/repair policies in the near future though...

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