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The taste difference is mainly the paper filter. You are tasting part of the paper filter with any drip. The oils also get trapped in the paper filter. I use a French press most of the time. I’ve got the MAN sized one…
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My neighbor also recently started a tea bag coffee company. That’s what I use when I am in the field now but always the French press at home and camp.


Also add that the bean is important as is the roast.

Freshly roasted beans, with a burr grinder & and a French press is the standard but a triple shot Americano is always a welcome treat before 11 am.

Blade grinders can burn the oils and reduce flavor while increasing bitterness.

Camp gets the percolator anymore. Camp coffee should have shoulders. And grit.
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French roast, not French press. And this is fancy stuff for me. mtmuley
Use an old gym sock for a filter, it will add to the flavor of that shitty folgers.

Do yourself a favor, buy the San Francisco Bay French Roast whole bean and a grinder.

Thank me later (relatively inexpensive coffee, 3lbs for $16 at Costco.)