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Let’s see your historic skulls (bison, Dino, etc)

Not my find but a well known rancher turned dino hunter. He said tricolotops were basically like cattle in his area. I would love to find to a spend a few days/weeks digging with them.
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This is baffling to me that people just find things like that. To me that would be cooler than a 400" drop tine bull shed.
Not my find but a well known rancher turned dino hunter. He said tricolotops were basically like cattle in his area. I would love to find to a spend a few days/weeks digging with them.
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That’s awesome and he’s right, if you find a big fossil in the Hell Creek formation, it’s about 50% chance it’s a triceratops.
That’s awesome and he’s right, if you find a big fossil in the Hell Creek formation, it’s about 50% chance it’s a triceratops.
I found some hadrosaurus fossils (what we used to call duck-billed dinosaurs) in the Hell Creek formation (I think) near the CMR. I took photos and the Museum of the Rockies was able to identify them. Pretty cool.
That's a jaw dropper right there! 😦

So how does that work when you literally find human remains?!?
It was turned in to the local police. It was on private property and a bunch of officers with drones, etc were on-site the next day. It was in the paper too.

Thats inc
Always a sucker for finding Bison skulls and often my scouting and hunting days turn into digging dinosaur fossils out of a bank. Share away

This one was in pretty bad shape and I regret digging it out but still cool to find the entire skeleton still there.

View attachment 338228

Damn cattle broke the rest of this skull apart.View attachment 338229

Found this one on the way to blowing an antelope stalk. Silver linings and all that.
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Found this one on a canoe hunt. Just the dry tip of the horn was sticking out of the river.
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Found this little guy on a main ridge above the Missouri.
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This one might be my favorite, submerged about a mile upstream from where the steamboats used to dock at Fort Benton.
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And my favorite fossil picture from a few years back.
View attachment 338234
That's incredible!
This thread just shows how not awesome Montana is with all the things to do. Definitely regret moving here all those years ago
Here's a bison skull I found in a small doug-fir filled draw on the Roan Plateau in western Colorado many years ago. It piqued my interest in historical bison distribution in the area and I found this report of a bison skeleton discovered about 38 miles from my discovery as the crow flies. Did a little more digging and found this report that includes a reported find (DARG 38) only 6-8 miles from where I found mine.

Bison skull.jpg
Dang! Montana is so cool. The rock hunting on the Yellowstone is unreal. But I live in a unique area for rock hounding too. The buffalo skulls are awesome. Friends of mine have skull hunted them for years and live over in Wyoming. Just waiting for bare dry ground to start the rock hunting.
Dang! Montana is so cool. The rock hunting on the Yellowstone is unreal. But I live in a unique area for rock hounding too. The buffalo skulls are awesome. Friends of mine have skull hunted them for years and live over in Wyoming. Just waiting for bare dry ground to start the rock hunting.
Nah man this is all in Ohio
When I was a kid we were in Stockville, Nebraska bird hunting and my Grandpa started talking to a guy at the bar we were eating lunch and he said he went out after a big rain one time when he was 9 and found a fully in tact bison skull. He took it into town and a guy offered him $50 so he sold it and figured he could make quite a living selling bison skulls. At that point he had never found another, he was 92 on the day they were talking :)
Couple years ago I was fishing on the South Platte near Chatfield Reservoir here in the Denver Metro and saw a big femur sticking out of the cut bank of a pond that was low on water, I was about 99% sure it was a bison and meant to come back and poke around on another day. Of course I never made it back down there before the pond refilled, and I check it once or twice a year and have never seen the water that low again. I've read numerous times about entire herds of bison getting stuck and dying in swampy lowlands around the Platte/Plum Creek confluence area that was flooded when they built the reservoir. Maybe someday I'll find something cool like a bison skull...
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