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Leftover CO

Well CPW assured me that no Bots could possible be being used since they use Recaptcha.

I hate the new system but I still pulled a decent amount of tags from it in the past. This year I can’t get a B list tag off it to save my life. In my entire group of buddies a grand total of one deer tag has been nabbed. It was fun while it lasted!
I thought I'd try to change my luck so I went to a local licensing agent today. The clerk had me logged in 7 minutes early and was diligent in hitting the mouse until 11:06 but to no avail. He said the system was really slow. I looked at his screen and he had the circle of sorrow spinning just like I get on my PC. I'm convinced some people way smarter than me have this thing figured out.
Thanks for sharing I had always wondered
The fact that ANY of these A list tags are being "given" away without people losing points offends me....

It's the best chance they currently have to reduce point creep and the CPW just sits there staring at their kombucha coffee cups. What a terribly mismanaged, uninformed, and obliviously run organization.

fixed that.

but also, keep in mind, the fact that the system has ended up here is largely because they did what the results of their many polls of sportsmen said they should do.
fixed that.

but also, keep in mind, the fact that the system has ended up here is largely because they did what the results of their many polls of sportsmen IDIOTS said they should do.
Fixed it for you.
I hope not. 😄 I don’t think so, but not sure.
If they asked me, you would be my 1st choice. My sense of the process at the end of my found table term was that CPW already has preferred options, the board will be 'encouraged' to endorse those. Which is no surprise, also why I didn't apply. They can endlessly debate "fairness," which means deciding who will gain and who will lose in modifying the draw process. My rubber stamping hand is still sore from RT. Best of luck, I hope this is an opportunity to make a real difference. I think I remember hearing @ RT the top candidates will be interviewed.
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Can you only buy the tags on Wednesdays or are new tags added on Wednesdays?

Sorry, I always look at the list but never have tried to buy a tag.
They add them on Wednesdays but you could buy them anytime after they hit the leftover list. They usually last about .014 seconds.
The fact that ANY of these A list tags are being "given" away without people losing points offends me....

It's the best chance they currently have to reduce point creep and the CPW just sits there staring at their coffee cups. What a terribly mismanaged, uninformed, and obliviously run organization.
I agree with this! Points should be used on any A list tag that sold out during the primary draw. And that’s coming from someone who has benefited from this system and has had a good deer tag every year since 2015 thanks to the reissue game.
I agree with this! Points should be used on any A list tag that is sold at any point during the calendar year.....And that’s coming from someone who has benefited from this system and has had a good deer tag every year since 2015 thanks to the reissue game.

Fixed it for you.

And that's also coming from me, a guy who got a good re-issue tag that I filled this season. There is no excuse for them "giving" that tag away. There were hundreds of people with WAY more preference points than me that wanted that tag that would have gladly handed over all of their points to have gotten it. It's a missed opportunity to get people out of the point pipeline by the CPW. It just doesn't make sense.

I get re-issuing the tags. I think that's great. I just don't get giving them away without taking points or at a minimum a portion of points to hopefully curb some of the point creep issue.

Hopefully the "Draw Process Task Force" will make some changes.

If anything, it might help combat the BOTS that everyone keeps talking about....that may, or may not, be a real thing....