Lead Sled Issues

So basically, when I put the gun in the LS, I put the crosshairs on te target at 100 yards. Went to hold the rifle, and the POI had changed, so I re-centered the rifle using the elevation & windage adjustments. Hold rifle, and I'm getting 6" groups, and they are moving all around. WTF. ThenI'm getting a 3-shot group where they are all touching. The group is 3.75" low, and 2.5" to the right. Change the scope and now it's shooting up & tom the left. WTF. Is the scope bad? Is this a boner rifle from Gunbroker? Did I put the scope on wrong and pinch the scope mechanism without knowing? Ive burned up an incredible amount of ammo, which is like throwing gold away. So after talking with my 2 buddies, It's the Lead Sled. Will confirm it in the next week.

It's entirely possible that your scope has a floating zero and also that it was further contributed to by shooting on a lead sled.
I pitched mine in the scrap pile. Hard on the gun, and groups were not what I had when I shot off a bipod and rear bag. I hunt with a bipod so why stay with something that doesn’t have the same POI and is hard on my equipment.
Same here. I could never get tight groups with a lead sled. Always better from a bag. I really started to notice it on a .308 and muzzleloader at longer distances.
Funny to see so much of the same experience.

I got obsessed with trying to "remove myself" and see the true accuracy of the guns i shot. If id have never bought that pile of sheeiiiit and bought ammo instead. Literally double the group size... it was impossible to get a consistent cheek weld (doesnt necessarily matter with proper parallax), get a proper trigger pull, re-aim to the same spot after the thing shifts unexpectedly.

Bags and bipod on a bench is good - but i actually shoot better prone.
It's been said already, but it's throwing off the harmonics of the barrel.

If the recoil is too much, put some padding between your shoulder and the gun. Ideally, you just shoot it like you would when you're hunting. I replicate that by shooting off bags!
Back when i did not know better i got a sled for my birthday. Used it many times on my 30-06. I never had an issue with groups and gun always held zero. Once i got older and read how bad they were it is a relic in the rafters of the garage now. I will never take the risk anymore.
About the only thing I ever use my LS for these days is bore sighting and maybe if I'm doing a barrel break in. I used to use it a lot more, but never really had the problems as pronounced as you're talking. For groups and sight ins, and pretty much anything else, I use a bipod an a rear bag. Mainly because that's a far more natural way for the rifle to shoot.
Locking the rifle into the lead sled channels all of what otherwise would be free recoil energy into the rifle itself. Add to that every rifle flexes and whips during firing. The goal is to make sure it does so consistently from shot to shot. I would guess the combination of directing that free energy into the weapon and resultingly higher degree of whip and flex makes repeatable shots much less likely, therefore opening groups.
I would have to say that you hit the nail on the head getting at the variation in barrel harmonics. My buddy Mitch said that I'm pushing the rifle to a varying degree, and a millisecond after firing, the rifle wants to ho back to where it thinks it should be. Add on top of it that each barrel flexes and whips differently. I was getting say 1.5" groups before the LS, and 4-6" groups that were moving around using the Lead Sled. I don't have the box it came in, otherwise I'd ship it back to Amazon. All of you have hit the nail on the head and helped me figure out what I already knew. LS=POS! Right?
Back when i did not know better i got a sled for my birthday. Used it many times on my 30-06. I never had an issue with groups and gun always held zero. Once i got older and read how bad they were it is a relic in the rafters of the garage now. I will never take the risk anymore.
You should try wasting .338 win Mag ammo at $85-105 a box. Also wasted 300 win mag ammo. God, it just pisses me off. I pray to God I didn't ruin any of my Scopes. I'm pretty sure I haven't but time will tell.
It's entirely possible that your scope has a floating zero and also that it was further contributed to by shooting on a lead sled.
I will head to the range in the coming days and will find out. I was shooting halfway decent groups with my old rifle rest, but it was on a shaky card table at the time. I'm guessing that the concrete table and getting rid of the LS will improve my groups. $200 down the drain. Plus tge cost of all the ammo. Can I send a bill to Lead Sled??
Lead sleds are bad news. If you must use one do so without weight with carpet under so the gun can recoil.
Lead sleds are bad news. If you must use one do so without weight with carpet under so the gun can recoil.
Saw some guys with a Lead Sled and a .338 Lapua at our local range. They had the sled and the rifle ratchet strapped to the concrete bench. I started to ask questions and they quickly made it clear I was an idiot. Funny. Especially since they have a firearms related business. Not gonna tell though. mtmuley
Saw some guys with a Lead Sled and a .338 Lapua at our local range. They had the sled and the rifle ratchet strapped to the concrete bench. I started to ask questions and they quickly made it clear I was an idiot. Funny. Especially since they have a firearms related business. Not gonna tell though. mtmuley
There’s people in the car business that don’t know anything about cars, too. Strange world we’re in.
Saw some guys with a Lead Sled and a .338 Lapua at our local range. They had the sled and the rifle ratchet strapped to the concrete bench. I started to ask questions and they quickly made it clear I was an idiot. Funny. Especially since they have a firearms related business. Not gonna tell though. mtmuley
The business making counterfeit Super Grade stocks?
Make sure your not jerking the trigger. Ive also seen sunglasses mess with people's shot placement. Hope this helps
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