Kenetrek Boots

Last hunt of season (pics)

T Bone

Well-known member
Jan 8, 2001
Eastern Idaho
Here are a few chukar hunting pics from January 31st. This was the last hunt of the season. Bonnie, my GSP was rock solid but my shooting was crummy. Still had a fantastic time!

Here she is locked up tight on the first covey of the morning. As I recall I missed 2 easy shots and drilled one with my 3rd. I always shoot too quick and shoot behind those little buggers when they flush on the downhill side...

Here we pushed a covey ahead of us until they hit the rocks. They hung tight in the rocks. The hill was steeper than it looks. I always shoot too quick and shoot behind those little buggers when they flush on the uphill side...I got a couple out of this group.

Here is one of the dog on a retrieve through the deep snow. The dog works hard so I don't have to. Without a dog, I don't think I'd chukar hunt at all....

It was a great season, hopefully we'll have a good hatch next year. Hope you enjoy the pics, I think I have the best looking dog in the world...
Good stuff there Tbone,
Hopefully next year we will get all the dogs together, will come up before the snow.
Well at least before it gets 0 degrees anyhow.
Good looking dog, great country, gotta love it.
I always shoot too quick and
Thats what Jennifer was telling me :D :D

I think you miss the birds cuz you're busy taking pictures, But I love the picture you post man !!!! Thanx for the Pictures and Glad to hear your hunting hasn't ended since you left gods Country !!!!