Knee Replacement


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2004
Who's done it, who's thinking about doing it?

This coming Monday, first surgery or hospital stay ever, wish me luck.
Dad had two of those and one shoulder (caused by his MT cowbody days). His last knee was at 85 and came through just fine. The ONE thing you want to do is be religious on your therapy. You REALLY want to get your range of motion back or you have wasted your time and money. Also, after you are up and really walking around on it, they will be hounding you about limping. As they told dad, "You have no reason now to limp, so don't!"
I hope it goes well for you. Going under for surgery sucks the biggest of #$lls. Not to scare you or anything:)
Good luck buddy! You'll do just fine. Most people I've talked to about it say they wished they would have had it done much sooner.

I had surgery a couple of weeks ago and was under for a little over an hour. Wasn't bad at all. Can't remember much of the rest of that day or the next though.
... The ONE thing you want to do is be religious on your therapy. You REALLY want to get your range of motion back or you have wasted your time and money. Also, after you are up and really walking around on it, they will be hounding you about limping. As they told dad, "You have no reason now to limp, so don't!"

I'll second that, I have two friends who have done both of their knees now. Do the therapy, it really helps make the new knee successfull, and don't over due it, let it heal like its supposed to.
Good Luck Ken! You could always just get a Local to the leg, heck they might let ya hold one of the saws or chisels. No worries! John:D
My neighbor recently had a new knee installed. He has done excellent with it and is in no pain after one year.

Be determined with the post op rehab and you'll be jumping higher and running faster.
What do you need your knees for? I thought Texans never get out of their rigs?

Father in law had his shoulder re-done. After a while he said the same thing..."should have done it sooner."
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Good luck mother had both done. Same time. 3 years ago in January, and she is rollin'! Titanium I beleive! I was amazed at how quick she cam around. Wishing you a speedy recovery sir. Take great care.
No good advice here, NHY. My wife suggests being really nice to the friendly lady that wakes you up after your surgery, though. :)

Best of luck.
Good luck Noharley, I am sure you will come through with flying colors. My Dad had one of his done going on 3 years ago now and he wishes he had done it sooner. As far as going under for the surgery, it's very rare there are complications from anesthesia. I've had ACL surgery on one knee twice and the other knee once, as well as 2 other scopes done to my knees and have been under everytime. Little nausea following it, but otherwise you will do fine.
Ken, heal well!! Keep repeating to yourself that your physical therapist really IS your FRIEND!!

Remember that future dental appointments such as cleanings and anything likely to cause bleeding you will need to take a prevention dose of antibiotics 1 hour before said appointment. Oral bacteria could get into the blood stream and settle into the bone/implant interface. You are out of the woods at the 2 week post surgery for any significant risk of infection, but you know how we doctors do in the good ol' USA....CYA from future law suits!!
It worked out pretty good for Lee Majors, for 4 or 5 years anyways.....

Good luck, really interested in the results as I believe I will be going that route some time in the future.
I need one replaced the Left. I've had 5 surgery's, also need the left shoulder replaced. Falling apart so I got to get my long ride in this year.
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