...........ok,........we got the old juices flowin', so let's pour it on........
I turn the TV on ESPN two mornings in a row about 7am......HEY!...A huntin show! Whoopee!!
.........so I see Jay Novacek and some big ol" fella, famous Fisherman guy......and they drive there chevy up to a blind in beautiful northern Mexico......ahhhhh, big bucks across the RIO! Yahoo!!!!!!
So Navacek asks the guy,."Are you excited?".......the guy replies,"Oh yea!........I have a feeling I'm going to kill the biggest deer I have ever taken here"......so they say, well pancho is going to show is where to get, and sure nuff, after only 10 minutes on stand, the biggest buck fatty had ever taken rolls out at 100 yards, broad side, and he says ....."if he'd only give me a shot"......."please, just a little closer"....."yep, I think I can take him"......KABOOMMMMMM!!!!!!! WHOOOPEEEEE!!!
"What a shot, I got him, my biggest deer ever!"..........and let me tell you, it was an impressive buck, as was the buck Novacek got.........and novacek is headin' to another ranch next week I hear......another Bruiser goin' down for sure.........so what;s the problem?
.....well, I enjoy like heck seeing those big deer, .....but when Bill Jordan or Jackie Bushman or Jay Novacek or one of these other guys go to the King Ranch with some Bubba, and slay some big ass critters.......I just have this idea that something was lacking in the "hunt". I mean, couldn't my 12 year old daughter have been sitting in that tripod and killed that bruiser buck........or even my grandma?........I think of this type of shooting as shopping, not hunting..........I mean, those guys had never seen the property, never even looked around when they got there, but rather took a seat in the old tripod they were instructed to go to and wait......nothing wrong with it, but show me a video of a high mountain hunt.......or busting the brush on open land searching for a stand site........not gonna happen,........wouldn't be as productive with enough big kill scenes.......its good viewing, but it ain't huntin'......
So what's your take on it?......and why do I feel like a big Texan is fixin' to wack me here?
I turn the TV on ESPN two mornings in a row about 7am......HEY!...A huntin show! Whoopee!!
.........so I see Jay Novacek and some big ol" fella, famous Fisherman guy......and they drive there chevy up to a blind in beautiful northern Mexico......ahhhhh, big bucks across the RIO! Yahoo!!!!!!
So Navacek asks the guy,."Are you excited?".......the guy replies,"Oh yea!........I have a feeling I'm going to kill the biggest deer I have ever taken here"......so they say, well pancho is going to show is where to get, and sure nuff, after only 10 minutes on stand, the biggest buck fatty had ever taken rolls out at 100 yards, broad side, and he says ....."if he'd only give me a shot"......."please, just a little closer"....."yep, I think I can take him"......KABOOMMMMMM!!!!!!! WHOOOPEEEEE!!!
"What a shot, I got him, my biggest deer ever!"..........and let me tell you, it was an impressive buck, as was the buck Novacek got.........and novacek is headin' to another ranch next week I hear......another Bruiser goin' down for sure.........so what;s the problem?
.....well, I enjoy like heck seeing those big deer, .....but when Bill Jordan or Jackie Bushman or Jay Novacek or one of these other guys go to the King Ranch with some Bubba, and slay some big ass critters.......I just have this idea that something was lacking in the "hunt". I mean, couldn't my 12 year old daughter have been sitting in that tripod and killed that bruiser buck........or even my grandma?........I think of this type of shooting as shopping, not hunting..........I mean, those guys had never seen the property, never even looked around when they got there, but rather took a seat in the old tripod they were instructed to go to and wait......nothing wrong with it, but show me a video of a high mountain hunt.......or busting the brush on open land searching for a stand site........not gonna happen,........wouldn't be as productive with enough big kill scenes.......its good viewing, but it ain't huntin'......
So what's your take on it?......and why do I feel like a big Texan is fixin' to wack me here?