Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Kill vs. Harvest

Love that question... Did you "catch" an elk? Had a prof. in college tell me how during an Elk study he roped a cow elk, for a good reason I assume, and that was the worst decision of his life...... no elk and maybe one old-school Wildlife Prof. and his horse were harmed in the making of that story.

Oak... The guy I was thinking of was Hien... He didn't do the roping but I bet you can guess who did.:)
I use both terms along with taking an animal. I judge the company I am with and discuss hunting accordingly. Most people that I know know I am a dedicated hunter. They know that I have taken many animals and some are interested. Some not. I treat them accordingly. I will not apologize for my hunting quest to anyone. I have made some uneasy when they have asked pointed questions. I tell them the plain and simple truth. I don't candy coat an answer when answered. It is what it is. Some never ask again! MTG

Hunt hard. Kill swiftly. Offer no appologies!
Im a hunter, therefore I kill my prey. Im not a gardener or a farmer who harvests their crop.
I generally use the word "got", as in I got an elk, or I got a deer. I "got" a hooker. Hmm, yep sounds OK.
"didn't get"... "didn't kill"... "kilt nuthin"... generally stuff like that.

Never harvested... "didn't harvest any elk yesterday"...sound weird.
I Busted the Sh*t out of a Big Ol Muley Deer out in Nebraska! Bust, Shoot, Kill or Chased down and popped a cap in his a**. Heck it's Dead form all the above! LOL John:D

Rub it in John...and I don't mean Coppertone either brudda.:D
One of my very good hunting buddies and I were quartering his elk in the back yard when his 5 year old daughter came out. She looked at the elk, she looked at us, then simply said, "Dad, its not nice to break an elk".
Kill it and grill it around friends and sportsman. Harvest and dine when chatting with secular progresssives. :)
I used to say, 'Merry Christmas!' without thinking, but corporate America told me Happy Holidays is more appropriate?
Nice thread. I usually will not talk hunting period if I have to change my tone. Kill 'em boys!

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