Kill vs. Harvest


New member
Jan 12, 2012
Front Range
I dont know if this has been discussed much here because im new but some of the other forums blow up over this discussion. Do you say "kill" or "harvest" an animal? I have always felt that harvesting makes the animal sound like some sort of vegetable or fruit and it seems "sugar-coated" i guess. People in the industry say it can also fuel the anti hunting clan by admitting that using the term "kill" is too gruesome. What do you guys think?
Sometimes I tone it down a bit for folks who might be offended and say that 'I harvested 'an animal.
I harvested that bottle of 151? I killed our potatoes last fall? how does an Angus steer become reduced to the packages of burger one might find in a grocery store? Is it havested?
I don't think it matters. Dead is dead. Personally, it sounds like something a politician would say.

I didn't hear about how the Patriots harvested the Broncos on Sportscenter, but I did hear about how they killed them. Which makes me wonder why most people on outdoor television say harvest?
Kill vs Harvest...

I use both terms along with taking an animal. I judge the company I am with and discuss hunting accordingly. Most people that I know know I am a dedicated hunter. They know that I have taken many animals and some are interested. Some not. I treat them accordingly. I will not apologize for my hunting quest to anyone. I have made some uneasy when they have asked pointed questions. I tell them the plain and simple truth. I don't candy coat an answer when answered. It is what it is. Some never ask again! MTG
Harvest / kill... Meh, nothing will appease the anti crowd. I don't recall how I tag the hunt... Guess I am not too concerned over it.
I usally kill what ever. I will talk about the complete numbers in terms of harvest.

"I killed a nice bull". "Hunters in the Root Harvested 450 elk this year".
I usally kill what ever. I will talk about the complete numbers in terms of harvest.

"I killed a nice bull". "Hunters in the Root Harvested 450 elk this year".

+1. On the show, we "kill" or "shoot" them. Use whatever term you want. Fine with me.
I think it's a southern thing , but I have never harvested anything that didn't come from the garden. I have "killed" a few things.Mostly it is "GET" "GOT". Did you "get" an elk? No but i "got" a deer.
I like to use the word, kilt. I kilt an elk or be carefull so you don't get kilt. It makes me sound more red neck to my fellow hunters. But when I'm talking to the general population it is kill or killed for me.
In this day and age of everyone trying too hard to be politically correct, I say stick to your own belief and use what you believe is right. Harvest is's still "killed." The antis are not going to like it either way and I could care less. I'm not totally without tact though, I do try to transport my "kill" without showing it to the world as I drive down the roads home.
"Get" and "Got" work well too .... :)
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My non-hunting friends always ask if I "caught" anything. I "caught" a hooker....just wanted to see how that sounded. :D

Personally I don't think I ever say harvest or kill...I always say I "shot" a....

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