Keith Warren lumps HSUS and QDMA together

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
The Quality Deer Management Association, QDMA, has come out with a position that hunters should oppose deer breeding legislation, under the premise that it does nothing positive for deer hunting as they view deer hunting.

Quick quote from that article:

There are no benefits for deer hunters in the growth of the captive deer-breeding industry – only risks,” said Kip Adams, QDMA’s Director of Education & Outreach and a certified wildlife biologist. “It is QDMA’s mission to protect the future of white-tailed deer and our hunting heritage, and we oppose anything that puts those at risk.”

In opposing the proliferation of “deer breeding,” QDMA is referring to captive deer facilities where controlled, artificial breeding technology is used primarily to produce whitetail bucks with enormous, often grotesque antlers – an industry that includes sales of semen, artificially impregnated does, and live bucks to other breeders or to captive deer shooting facilities. Current estimates suggest there are nearly 10,000 deer breeding operations in North America, and the number is growing as the industry pushes to expand into areas where it was historically not legal.

“Some argue this is an innocent endeavor with no negative impacts to wild deer or the everyday deer hunter. As CEO of North America’s leading whitetail conservation organization, I emphatically and unapologetically disagree,” said Brian Murphy, QDMA’s Chief Executive Officer. “Not only does this industry undermine the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation in which wildlife is a public resource, it also threatens the health of wild deer and the public’s perception of hunting.”

Link to that article.

Keith Warren, an unapologetic penned deer operator and host of a TV show, has come forward and compares QDMA with HSUS. Here is a link to Warren's article denouncing the position of QDMA.,+2012

In part of his long article, Warren goes to the most common reply whenever the topic comes up. - circle the wagons. Circling the wagons does not let us have the discussion and sort out what the hunting community wants as it relates to this topic.

Rally the troops, don’t divide

Outdoorsmen are under attack from those that want to see hunting end. Therefore it would only be reasonable to assume that last thing we need is any organization that fragments our already fragmented troops. I have always been one to try to see both sides of issues and when I don’t know something, I’m smart enough to know that I’m not smart enough to know. I then try to educate myself on the subject before I go out and publicly make a stand to support or not support an issue. I believe that each of us should arm ourselves mentally with the proper information on a subject so we can defend ourselves whereever we stand.

For the QDMA to come out against deer farming and to use the reason that it creates a threat to the future of deer hunting is unbelievable. We all want quality deer management regardless of where we live, even if it’s on a deer farm.

More information and research on whitetail deer is obtained from captive deer than wild deer and this information benefits all deer no matter where they live.

We had a similar discussion on this forum last month. Everyone pretty much made it clear what they thought. I learned something from that past discussion and glad we had the debate.

I think most of us feel that Warren is correct when he asserts that people should do what they want. If QDMA and their members don't like it and see it as a threat, then they should do as they want. If Warren and his deer breeder associations like it, then they should continue to promote it.

So long as it is legal, knock yourself out. Just don't expect everyone to agree and to take your position on the idea.

To expect that we should all agree on everything, hold hands, and sing Kumbaya, is a fairy tale. Hunters, farmers, livestock breeders, and penned shooting operators, will at times disagree. Just a fact of life.

When there is disagreement on this topic, the penned shooting and deer breeder industry often uses what they see as the big stick - compare their critics to PETA or HSUS. Just as Warren has done in his article, that side of the argument most often will frame the discussion such that anyone who doesn't agree with them is an anti-hunter.

Those working to preserve hunting as it has occurred historically in this country are pro-hunter. The folks at QDMA, who I only know via their members and publications, are pro-hunter and pro-hunting. To state otherwise is crap. Warren knows its crap, yet he is willing to say it in that context.

Why is he willing to say it? Who knows.

Is it because he is sponsored by, and involved in, the deer breeding industry? Make your own conclusions, but that is probably a logical opinion many outsiders may form.

Strange how Jim Zumbo can be fired for making a small blog post, rhetorically asking a question about hunting and black guns for purposes of starting discussions, yet in his effort to provoke discussion Warren can imply that hunters who don’t participate in penned shooting to be anti-hunters. Where is the outcry in the hunting community when Warren does something like this?

Warren is an intelligent guy, no doubt. But he is talking out of the wrong end when he makes these kind of comparisons to anyone who doesn't follow his way of thinking. To imply that QDMA and its members are anti-hunter is laughable and erodes any credibility Warren could have brought to the discussion.

I am glad to see QDMA speak up on this topic. My pleasure is not based on what they state for their arguments, as I am not expert in those facts. I am glad that they see an issue that is greatly affecting their members and they are willing to step forward in a climate where it is always dangerous public relations to do so.

They should speak up and not be shamed to the quiet corners as Warren is trying to do by comparing them to HSUS. Warren is not the first to do it and won't be the last of his friends to do it. If Warren was doing that for purposes of drama, he missed the mark. He didn't even hit the edge of the target.

All Warren did was demonstrate a growing tendency to defame a critic rather than debate the topic. He hoped to provide immediate reaction by aligning his opponent with a common adversary. In my case, the reaction was immediate. And it was completely negative.

If we cannot have heated debates about hunting and the image we want for our activity, without one side making outrageous assertions and comparisons, we are in trouble. Such harsh and dramatic implications as Warren has provided often come from those worried how facts will may them in an open and in depth debate.

If Warren expects any credible support in the hunting world, he might want to rethink his tact. He has lost any credibility from me, as it relates to having sensible discussion about this heated topic. If he cannot have the debate in a manner of facts, and must resort to implying the many good folks at QDMA are anti-hunters, then he has already lost the debate.

Hunting, as defined in the historical sense, does not need penned shooting to prosper, but penned shooting sure needs hunting. At least that is what I gather from the extreme tactics Warren and others will employ to keep their parasitc attachment to this thing honorable we call hunting.
Keith Warren... really?

Cant stand him or Alan

IMO shows that show animals shot in a pen would get average folks to turn against hunting more than anything else. Dont even see where it would be considered fun. I have a hard time shooting a pen raised pheasant, so much so I havent done it in years and would only consider it now for dog training

Once a tool, always a tool
I have had very little or no respect for Keith Warren or his show. To add this sort of non-sense and imply that QDMA and HSUS are on the same page just reinforces my already low opinion of him. I agree with Fin as he stated above, if you enjoy it and it's legal, then do it. Just don't always expect me to agree with it or like it.

This is the kind of stuff that I DO NOT agree with. I was in that last debate we had here about the high fences. This is what most people equate to high fenced hunting and it isn't it. This is the bs I was referring to as "kick n shoot". This kind of stuff does need to stop. But there is a ton of money in it, so what do we do?

The Warren brothers are a friggin' joke. A couple of pompous jack asses that need to be fitted for one of your XXXL hats.

Any body with a brain can see what QDMA has done for deer as a whole. QDM is what started the whole high fence thing back in the 60's. Al Brothers wanted a way to control the numbers on his ranch because none of his neighbors would shoot does, so he and I'm guessing a couple colleagues came up with the idea to "high fence" the ranch. Unfortunately it, over the years, has morphed into this crap.

I wish Tx would do away with the Scientific Breeder program and put this crap to bed. Where would you start? The people who perpetuate this stuff have really really deep pockets.
Perhaps the only deer that Keith can bag are in a pen? Maybe somebody ought to invite him outside for a real fair chase hunt?

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