Caribou Gear

K-9 advice


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2021
South Dakota
While chasing roosters yesterday my lab(almost 9) had a seizure. He's never had one before and has always been in great health. Not overweight. He's doing great now, just maybe looking for advice to watch out for. The vet seemed pretty pleased with him too. He had access to plenty of water as well.
As a side note: my hats off to the owner of the preserve I was helping guide at for getting us out fast and the hunters for the respect they showed for the dog and what was happening. Puts faith back in humanity when people circle around ya and even ask later about how he turned out.
While chasing roosters yesterday my lab(almost 9) had a seizure. He's never had one before and has always been in great health. Not overweight. He's doing great now, just maybe looking for advice to watch out for. The vet seemed pretty pleased with him too. He had access to plenty of water as well.
As a side note: my hats off to the owner of the preserve I was helping guide at for getting us out fast and the hunters for the respect they showed for the dog and what was happening. Puts faith back in humanity when people circle around ya and even ask later about how he turned out.
Saw a dog have a seizure with a hypoglycemic episode after upland hunting. I also had a lab that had grand mal seizures starting at 3. That seems to be the magic age when that stuff starts declaring itself. I hope it was just an isolated incident for you and your dog.
While chasing roosters yesterday my lab(almost 9) had a seizure. He's never had one before and has always been in great health. Not overweight. He's doing great now, just maybe looking for advice to watch out for. The vet seemed pretty pleased with him too. He had access to plenty of water as well.
As a side note: my hats off to the owner of the preserve I was helping guide at for getting us out fast and the hunters for the respect they showed for the dog and what was happening. Puts faith back in humanity when people circle around ya and even ask later about how he turned out.
Could be Exercise Induced Collapse (EIC) which can be tested for since it is genetic.
Any chance it could have been heatstroke? What was the temperature while you were hunting? I've had more than one dog go wobbly and almost seize on mild warm days in thick cover.
Is there really anything I can do other than use him less. I should come to terms with the fact he's almost 9 and not the pup he used to be.
Is there really anything I can do other than use him less. I should come to terms with the fact he's almost 9 and not the pup he used to be.
I've "retired" to bird dogs much earlier than I had hoped because each had physical issues. I still took them on hunts that I selected for their limitations, bought a new pup ahead of schedule to limit the "gap". I don't move dogs down the road, good or bad, great hunter or not a dog that enters my life has a home for all of its days.

I hope you and your dog the best!
Caribou Gear

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