Just a Poor Colorado kid!

Alright, it took longer than we wanted but it still was a great story. You talked about ground shrinkage. I think you have that backwards! Damn nice "bool"!
We get the elk 1/2 broken down and SIOGH shows up. He must know the distance between his thumb tip and pinky tip to the 1/16” because he flips his hand up and down the antlers and tells me it’s right smack dab in the middle of my goal range, and he ends up correct.

My helpers pack quarters to the road(250yards) and shuttle vehicles while I finish up. I make peace with it all, it was an amazing experience.

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Everyone has asked what I want and expect from the hunt. Of course I want a 400 inch bool but Im also trying to keep my expectations reasonable.
I for sure want an old bull, although that can be hard to gauge. Absolutely no broken bulls. I set my mind for a 350 minimum and 370 goal. Not that I can hardly tell the difference between those 2 sizes of antlers.
I would say you met or exceeded your expectations. Not a 400” bull but unless my judging skills are terrible he’s over 350” and pushing 370” and not broken.
Luckily for me, my brother likely has the points to draw next year. No better time to scout than during the rut. We make a plan to take the meat to town and get it processed so we can spend the next week there goofing off and watching the show. Took a few practice hero shots for 20241703130976713.jpeg
It not often for me to remember the one thing that made me want to go someplace, hunt something, buy something etc. But I can clearly remember the one thing I read 38 years ago that made me want to bow hunt elk in Arizona. I’d beg borrow and steal to get this new magazine into the cart when grocery shopping every quarter. And one issue had this. View attachment 306792
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