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Just a Poor Colorado kid!

I can see me screwing up all my applications for 2024 elk.
bool or bull I can’t decide. 🤣🤣
with that said I can’t get enough of this story
Now I’ve thought about omitting this part of the story but it is what it is.

If 6 months before, someone told me you could spine a bool elk with archery tackle I wouldn’t have hardly believed it. Yet with the whack, his back legs hit the ground.

Luckily for me, I’m a wanker (maybe menace) with any weapon, so I’m well practiced on follow up shots. I quickly knock another arrow, aim for 30 yards this time and shoot again. This arrow is perfect, the bool lunges forward 15 ft or so. Tips over and dies in seconds.
I wait a minute or 2 to make sure he's dead, then head back towards my brother.

On the way there I have another not so proud moment, 2 in the last 5 minutes, I'm on a roll. I become one of those guys I dislike the most. I'm already beating myself up for shooting because he's not big enough, it's too soon in the hunt etc. What was I thinking even drawing my bow back?

I get back to my brother. Immediately " Man that bool sure shut up fast, how bad did you spook them"?
He looks at me a me strange when I tell him that's because the bool is dead and add with "major ground shrinkage".

We walk back up to the bull. I text the SIOGH " bull down, stay in your unit to scout" it's 9:53 AM on the 2nd day.
We get to the bool and talk quietly about how it all went down because he was so far back he couldn’t see any of it. I’m still being an arsewipe in my head about it all. We talk about how big he might be. He thinks I’m guessing a bit to low. He’s probably right but watching the bool rut around had my head spinning at the time. 83E4A113-3C21-44BF-965D-30742E3858F7.jpeg
I certainly should stop worrying about how early in the hunt it happened. It’s elk hunting and the action could turn off tomorrow like a light switch. This would be an incredibly hard hunt with no bugling.

I should also stop worrying about the score as it’s unlikely I’d ever get him measured anyway.
A real dandy, great stuff and huge congrats on fulfilling the dream!
Thanks for sharing the story. Appreciate you taking the time to do it.
Looks like a great bull to me. Congrats! I’ve definitely been the guy before who reacts poorly when I’ve gotten trigger happy with plenty of time to hunt, and I doubt we’re alone in that. It happens but that feeling fades. Still a good mature animal and you definitely put in the work pre season.
Beautiful bool! One of your teaser pics kinda gave away the 7 on one side. Congrats!

No reason at all to not be happy with that bull!

Those 5ths are amazing! At first I thought those were his 4ths and I was going to say he had nice 3rds but then I realized those were his 4ths and his 5ths are probably 20”. Add in the 6ths and you have a great bull.
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