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Jsut what in the Heck...


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Just what in the Heck do ALL of you do for a Living ?!?!

I do Design Drafting. Mostly roadway Design with some Site Drainage and Bridge Design. Work onthe Puter all day and then Come home to this thing too

Anyways, I won't remember what you do for a Living, But I thought I'd ask
Well, this fall I guided full-time. I'm in the process of starting my own pest control biz. Right now, I'm mostly mooching off of my wife who is a CCRN..........

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-27-2003 23:00: Message edited by: AZ402 ]</font>
Moosie, don't lie. You are the owner of a website that brings in $250,000 a year from memberships and hats alone!!

I'm a part time student, full time slacker. But when I do work (whenever I get the chance) I build cabinets with my dad.
I work for the state of Washington, as a H.V.A.C Tach. for Western State Hospital.( a mental hospital)..

The residentsare a bit strange,,but the staff are NUTS

I was a full time forestry tech until the Softwood Lumber dispute. I then jumped into guiding this spring for black bears. Did forestry piece work throughout the summer but have been a full time hunting bum since Sept.This winter I'm looking at switching careers and becoming fulltime shed hunting bum.
Corrections Officer (aka jail guard) trainer...Union activist (don't like Unions? Tough.) Former Pet & Feed store owner, dog musher & ex-Navy Sonar tech. Oh, yeah- and BB troublemaker.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-28-2003 02:50: Message edited by: Yukon Hunter ]</font>
I am an early retiree from the US DOD. Started with active duty in the USAF in 67 and just couldn't get away. As a civilian employee I worked as a Management Analyst, Industrial Engineering Technician,Industrial Engineer, Industrial Engineering Chief, and finished up teaching Engineering and Analysis at the US Army Management Engineering College in Rock Island Illinois in 93. I think I am still on the faculties of Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Ohio University, and have worked for Central Michigan University and Park College. Now I live off momma who is an RNC working with the State Corrections Agency. (Every night she goes to prison!)

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-29-2003 09:56: Message edited by: pawclaws ]</font>
At the moment selling yachts and promoting marine activities in the Middle East.
But also work as a Offshore sailing instructor and charter boat captain.

Happy trails
Can you believe it...I'm still building these at Sea Ray Boats,Inc.

Actual job title is repairman. I fix any and all gel coat and fiberglass imperfections...body work to boats in short.



I work for a property management company. I do maintenance, snow removal, lawn care, sprinklers and a number of other things. I am also a caretaker at a condo complex of 25 condos.
Sales rep for a local farm co-op here in s.e. minnesota.
Holy Crap Paws!!! i ain't arguing with you anymore
you got brains on top of your brains
I'm a sale rep. for a Columbian Drug Cartel. Thats how I got my interest in hunting. One time they gave me a gun and I had to hunt down a snitch.....been hooked on hunting ever since. Pays great and once in awhile i get to go hunting in such exotic places like the streets of LA all the way to the 'hoods in Detroit and even NY.
I work for your federal government: Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Job Corps as a Computer Systems Specialist. (Thats a glorified title for a PC Mechanic)
Wildlife biologist, but I had more fun when I was a tech. I ain't complainin' though.
DOnt hate me now....I work as a police officer...I am assigned to patrol right now and am a memeber of my Dept.'s SWAT team...
Millwright (Industrial Mechanic) by trade. Currently employed as a Facilities Manager. I'm the Maintenance Supv, Safety Director, Environmental Guy, Security guy yada yada yada for a metal stamping company.

Side jobs that don't make me any money - Outdoor Writer; Asst Editor of the Arizona Outdoorsman magazine; Webmaster (sort of) for AZODUSA sites (developing state-specific sites on the AZOD model); Booking Agent for hunting/fishing Outfitters; marketing rep for Snakeskin Illusions camo; marketing rep for Real McCoy Game Bags

I am the trader for a large independent oil company. Spend most of my time trading energy futures...mostly crude oil, but also unleaded, heating oil, and natural gas.

Also trade large batches of gas, diesel and propane that we ship on pipelines in the midwest.

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