Jsut what in the Heck...

I'm a radiologic technologist(x-ray tech). I do x-ray, mammography, cat scan, ultrasound. Plus I'm a mommy and a lover to my hunter(husband).
I am a network cable installation tech. I have been doing it 8 years. My best friend is my boss. It pays the bills and I am on the right side of the political fence so I have no complaints. It is a customer driven job so there is no such thing as 8 to 5, it keeps it interesting. I am lucky to have a wife who is understanding. A guy with a needy spouse would be screwed. Good Luck, JLG.
What could be better and more exciting than this!!!

Or getting to witness a Fire Dragon...

Seeing these kind of things up close!!!




This is what I am doing right now, working with Asplundh on cross country power line maintanance...
I am presently killing a thousand or so trees a month and just leaving them lay for the bugs because there is no one to process the wood...

I am currently working on doing a different job in the fire world, but will not divulge what it is until I get accepted...
That will be soon I really hope...
Civil Engineering... Right now I am working for one of the most respected engineering firms in the Baltimore/DC area. My projects include land planing/development, Naval ship yards, docks, piers, housing etc., planing large suburban communities including all infrastructure, and developing large industrial and commercail properties.

At frist it was really interesting and almost fun to level the land and all that grows on it, but now its just a matter of jumping though the governments hoops to get things permited to build.
For a living?

I try to make as manny positive impacts on as manny people as I have the chance to meet... realy, that is what I live for because it makes me feel good. I've housed 13 foster children, 2 homeless mothers (with thier kids) and a homeless man over the past 10 years. I know that when people need help, they need more than money and I have always had a little more room in my heart to give a little love to someone new.

Now, as far as "paying" for my lifestyle... I am a CPA who has worked as a CFO of various healthcare agencies as well as in public accounting (taxes, auditing and all that stuff).

Life has been kind and good to me and I am thankful.
Well my usual job is in the inventory department of an industrial supply company, but I've been on active duty since August. Believe it or not, it actually pays better!
Hey Moosie! I am a Design Draftsman as well, and I too worked in the Civil field for awhile on bridges. I worked for Johnson Bros. Corporation in Litchfield, Minnesota. Johnson Bros. is a national bridge contractor, doing most of their work in Louisiana, Florida, and Texas (not too much Texas anymore).

I designed and drew bridge falsework for them for 6 years. Loved it too, but I had a wonderful opportunity come my way and decided to leave, but I sure miss construction - especially bridges (although cofferdams were fun too).

I too always found it odd that I would draw for 8-9 hours per day and come home and fiddle around on the computer for 3-4 more hours! What's wrong with us?!?!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-05-2004 20:00: Message edited by: CartridgeGuy ]</font>
I run a day-care center for middle-aged kids.


Actually, I run the Tool Dept. for Unit's 1 & 2 Maintenance at PNM's San Juan Generating Station at Waterflow, NM. It involves purchasing of parts and tools for the maintenance an overhaul of power plant equipment, issueing and tracking tools, and quite a bit of bookkeeping with computer assistance.

I have been employed by the power company for over 20 years, but have changed hats many times during downsizings and layoffs. My background is in mechanical engineering and chemistry.

I hope to retire in a few years and turn one of my hobbies (artwork of various mediums) into a retirement occupation. That is...soon as I get the second property paid for.

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