Yeti GOBOX Collection

Jsut what in the Heck...

Ridge Runner,

What part of the country are you operating in?

Family and I are in the process of changing over from a power cruiser to sailing. Curious as to the part of country that you teach offshore sailing in?
I am an Experimental Mechanic class "A" (union) For a little company known as Harley-Davidson motor company... ELTON JOHN SUCKS!
I work in the R&D facility where we design, build, and test all the new bikes and products. Currently i am in the engine build lab. I got to admit i love my job.
Gee Wyodeerhunter; your DaGriz's "opposite number"!
Naw Brushy; not brains, just blisters on my butt from sitting in a student chair!!
Retired after 27 years as a contract lineman. Pension and benefits aren't enough so I drive a NJ Transit bus parttime to fill in the financial gaps.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-28-2003 15:12: Message edited by: Whiskers ]</font>
Right now, I'm a Range Tech with the BLM in SLC. Hoping to change titles to a Range Management Specialist here shortly.
Mostly, I keep putting off finishing my MS, hunt a little, and keep wifey-poo happy.
I currently work at an apartment complex doing maintenance, but feel like a glorified janitor. I also decided to go to school and just recently completed my first semester. I can only take a few classes at a time, but I'm working on getting an Associate's Degree in Mechanical Engineering. It's going to take me more than 2 years, but due to finances and time, I don't have much choice.
I'm a Sheet Metal worker and AC Tech. But sice movin to MT I've pretty much just been wandering around these hills lookin for things to kill
I'm an Aircraft Mechanic for Southwest Airlines hence the handle "JohnSWA". It's just a shameless plug for my airline. I'm in the composite shop now, but you name it, I've fixed it on these 737s and have flown nation wide to fix these things when they break.

Don't worry if you fly us. Rest assured, we have the safest airplanes in the sky. We are union and our supervisors hate us! We won't let anything broke fly! I've had to humble a pilot a time or two.
i work at statefarm insurance, and i appologize to anyone who may be insured by us, i did not raise your rates, i did not cancel your policy, and i cant get you a better price. the insurance industry sucks, as well as this company. but until i get my ass in gear and do something else, im doomed to sit in my little cell....uh, cubical, and whine about it.
I'm a trained professional in the exciting field of broadcast engineering.
I am also a full-time partner in a little venture The Wife & I started called "The Family," which has expanded from the Home Office into two branch offices known as Boy Number One and Boy Number Two. Fortunately you don't need a license for that.
I am a superintindent for a constuction company from Kansas City. We build mainly commercial buildings. I did work on a prison not far from Moosie a couple of years back. I think the name of the town was Umatilla,Oregon. Talk about a good place for a prison, that place was in the middle of nowhere.
I'm a self employed residential house painter. Been in my own business now for 3 years, painting houses for 13 years.
Since I moved out west, I've been a logger, commercial fisherman, worked for the Dept. of Fisheries (offshore division) and now a painter. Never really did like it much, but am good at what I do, and gettin too old to find something better. Besides, it pays the bills.
Train Dispatch and Authorities Officer,I look after the Unit coal Trains, Bit like the Powder River Basin operation, I get paid very little and do enormous hours.
Currently I'm a Journeyman Meatcutter for Albertson's Food and Drug.

As for work in the past I was a Corporate Executive Chef, Chef, Line cook, Restraunt manager, Baker, Oil field construction worker (roustabout), Forest Circus employee, and Logger.

I guess we will have to see what the future brings.


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