Caribou Gear

Jasper wildfire/climate change

I hear this often. The data doesnt really support it though - china has more renewable generation than America by a factor of 2x.
Any "DATA" on any subject can be skewed.....they are doing it right now to fit their agenda.
It's not all bad. Back when I started gardening, I was happy if my corn followed the old rule of "knee high by the 4th of July" Now with the longer growing season my corn is head high by the 4th of July. I like to grow pumpkins and squash and I use to figure that if the pumpkin set by the end of August it had a chance to ripen before cold weather set in. Now mid-September is my cut off point.

Hunting weather is less enjoyable. I haven't been rained on during archery season since I don't know when, pretty much always hunting in 90° weather these days. I used to like hunting the late muzzle loader season because I could hunt in the snow. Now it's usually shirt sleeve weather. But I guess we just adjust until we can't adjust anymore.

I shot my buck on opening day of rifle season last year. It was 86° and everyone else on the hill was napping in the shade. Seems crazy that it's not unusual for early/ mid October here.
All this is very true.

MPB infestations get worse when there is not long periods of below zero weather, something we get less and less of all the time.

Some of the data I collect was used here:

Anyone that thinks that climate change isn't responsible for some of the things we're seeing, well, that's just flat living in denial.

Tree species composition is changing, habitat types are changing, understory vegetation is changing, invasive plant species are finding more favorable conditions, conifer encroachment into alpine, tree densities are changing, timing, duration and intensity of snow melt and runoff are changing, etc. etc. etc.

The facts are irrefutable.

BuzzH - You are spot on.
I do not understand how other hunters can not see the changes? The changing climate is apparent everywhere you look, unless you just do not want to see it. Maybe it is because I am older and have seen the change happening in my lifetime. Sooner or later most will come to realize this is happening, and just because we all will not live long to see the most terrible effects it will have on our living spaces it does no good to deny it.
It would be really great if more hunters were true conservationists.
They have a glut of solar panels. They are dumping them on the world market and installing at home the ones they can't sell. Central controlled governments make bad economic desicisons frequently.

Likely due to recent commitments by the us and other countries to not by panels made in china via forced slave labor.

China is building more solar and wind than everyone else - thats a fact.
And, per my previous post re disconfirmation bias, there is hill I will die on:
  1. No enslaved African kids for cobalt for EVs
It's amazing to me how many are totally OK with it in order to virtue signal.

No slaves in 21st Century. Not in China. Not in Africa. Just stop it.

We are, and of a right ought to know the thing.
If you think cobalt for EVs is the only exploitation/slavery involved in the natural resource industry, I got a nice bridge to sell you.
No, I am well aware of others, but this is the one continually ignored by climate activists. Again, the null hypothesis is fundamental.

Pure science. Doing it for, gulp, 56 years. What is it you do for a living?
All your posts in here have been a bunch of half-assed anecdotes that ignore decades worth of science. You haven't learned anything about the topic except parroting dumb pseudoscience you probably got from Info Wars or some shit. Arrogance is ignorance in your case.
My half assed anecdotes are twice-assed any semblance of "science" you have spouted. You are echoing elementary school level, media-encouraged, drivel. Take your dive, Dubz, and see what you might learn.

And no, my information does not come from Info Wars (whatever that is). There is a very large difference between the hard science and the stuff that you are reading or listening to.

I'll lob you a softball. If you can read, check out the book "Unsettled?", written by a former Obama administration science advisor. And no, he isn't working for Trump or Union Oil. Read that and see if you can honestly type pseudoscience (which is a pretty big word, but you are obviously highly educated) and ignorance in the same sentence that isn't referring to yourself.


And yes, this kind of stuff is what I do for a living...and I have had the old pearls before swine thing emphasized, so go read and I'll leave you alone.
My half assed anecdotes are twice-assed any semblance of "science" you have spouted. You are echoing elementary school level, media-encouraged, drivel. Take your dive, Dubz, and see what you might learn.

And no, my information does not come from Info Wars (whatever that is). There is a very large difference between the hard science and the stuff that you are reading or listening to.

I'll lob you a softball. If you can read, check out the book "Unsettled?", written by a former Obama administration science advisor. And no, he isn't working for Trump or Union Oil. Read that and see if you can honestly type pseudoscience (which is a pretty big word, but you are obviously highly educated) and ignorance in the same sentence that isn't referring to yourself.


And yes, this kind of stuff is what I do for a living...and I have had the old pearls before swine thing emphasized, so go read and I'll leave you alone.

Okay boomer.

And, per my previous post re disconfirmation bias, there is hill I will die on:
  1. No enslaved African kids for cobalt for EVs
It's amazing to me how many are totally OK with it in order to virtue signal.

No slaves in 21st Century. Not in China. Not in Africa. Just stop it.

We are, and of a right ought to know the thing.
We can still blow up kids in the Middle East though, right?
Earth holds no regard for any specie of life. Earth's history presents every form of climate change; snow cone ice to hell's kitchen boiler.


We are simply ants dwarfed by Earth's tenure within the universe.

Maybe we extend human life another hundred years by reducing the human footprint beyond Earth's natural removal of human life? Maybe fifty years?

Meh, solar power, ftw? Interesting assessments conducted by. Harvard Business Review:
With the current capacity, it costs an estimated $20–$30 to recycle one panel. Sending that same panel to a landfill would cost a mere $1–$2.
This is simply from a recycling standpoint. A single grain within our next few generational woes. Newer panel development= replaced older panels. But a grain in time.

Human life... Earth holds no regard. Humans are a blip w/in Earths time.

As I mentioned in my one other post on this thread, my thoughts are with all human life affected by the Jasper fire.

Earth. Humans: All hail space bound tech gurus as they have massively lept over world government innovation to get us (wealth first) off this rock.
Earth holds no regard for any specie of life. Earth's history presents every form of climate change; snow cone ice to hell's kitchen boiler.

View attachment 334272

We are simply ants dwarfed by Earth's tenure within the universe.

Maybe we extend human life another hundred years by reducing the human footprint beyond Earth's natural removal of human life? Maybe fifty years?

Meh, solar power, ftw? Interesting assessments conducted by. Harvard Business Review:

This is simply from a recycling standpoint. A single grain within our next few generational woes. Newer panel development= replaced older panels. But a grain in time.

Human life... Earth holds no regard. Humans are a blip w/in Earths time.

As I mentioned in my one other post on this thread, my thoughts are with all human life affected by the Jasper fire.

Earth. Humans: All hail space bound tech gurus as they have massively lept over world government innovation to get us (wealth first) off this rock.

This is a well-thought out position, and you raise some valid points. Earth holds no regard for human life, and goes through temperature fluctuations naturally as has already been established in this thread.

The thing about graphs like the one you posted is they fail to properly convey the immense amount of time between those changes. The measurement unit for that graph is millions of years. Think about that amount of time. Those changes displayed were happening over tens of millions and hundreds of millions of years. And then right at the end of the graph, where it goes straight vertical to today? Something that’s only similarly duplicated in the graph at the same time as mass extinction events (and even those don’t go straight vertical like that)? That is the concerning part, and that is the part that can be read to show what effect our presence on the planet is having. We are causing change at a rate never before seen in the history of life on our planet. When you have hundreds of millions of years of data that shows that, it’s concerning.

An animal as advanced as humans has never existed before in all of Earth’s history. We have changed Earth's geography, the life held within it, and how that life deals with the world. You are correct, we are just a blip in time during the Earth’s existence. It’s the change in climate we are causing with our actions, basically over the last 200 years, and the pace at which it is that is the problem.

Solar is still in its infancy, and I hope
better sustainable practices can come with time, for both solar and wind energy. In my original post, I admitted the current need for O&G and natural resources. I hope for innovation to get away from them, in a sustainable way.

I appreciate your viewpoint, but I just don’t know if I can be as fatalistic as you. Nothing with our intelligence exists on earth, and from our exploration of space, so far nothing with our intelligence exists anywhere else in the universe either. If we truly come together and make a conscious effort to curb the rapid change as shown on your very graph, I believe we can stop the harm and the disaster we are careening towards. And then go back to the normal millions of years climate change as shown on your graph, that in the end will probably kill us yes, but that’s man in the year 1.5 million CE’s problem lol
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