Caribou Gear Tarp

Jackson WY shed opener

#oldwestantlers 🫶

Bozeman Man Pleads Guilty to Felony Charge​

Seen a guy from Minnesota out yesterday and 3 or 4 of the same trucks from Montana have been hitting one area here pretty hard as usual. I asked a pair of Montana guys why they come here, said its so busy in montana its not worth it anymore so they come here. Didnt know horn hunting was such a big thing but traffic this spring has been significantly more than any year i have ever seen.
It’s blown up in the past few years. It’s pretty crazy how much people are doing it long before the snow melts. But those sheds bring in some good cash for the artists.
It’s blown up in the past few years. It’s pretty crazy how much people are doing it long before the snow melts. But those sheds bring in some good cash for the artists.
I wish there was a way to make it illegal to sell them but would need to be national solution/regulation not just a state issue.
I love finding them while out hiking, but man is it dumb as hell how focused these operations are. I do wish it was illegal to sell them AND I wish companies (OnX, GoHunt, et) would stop promoting the guys that are always chasing... for one we'd see a lot less of Mr Hushin' and that would make the world a better place
the picture of the convoy driving through the fog... Looks like they are going to war 😂. Shed hunting is crazy. Makes me imagine the market hunters racing west to kill the last buffalo.
"Furr thinks the only thing that would substantively reduce the pressure on shed hunting grounds would be banning the sale of antlers outright.
Brady Rivenes, 23, of Gillette, supports the legislature’s move. But he agreed with Furr.
“If these horns were worth a buck apiece, and then they changed the rule to allow anyone in the world to come again, I bet there’d be a third of the people here,” Brady Rivenes said."

I have been saying this for years its about time we get it done.
If there enforcement of the new law is as piss poor as their ability to keep people in line it won't help anyway. A large group of people with high numbers or no numbers at all weasled their way in line way towards the front.
If there enforcement of the new law is as piss poor as their ability to keep people in line it won't help anyway. A large group of people with high numbers or no numbers at all weasled their way in line way towards the front.
I wouldn't try to sneak in as a nonresident. The wardens in Jackson are on top of it.

I was working in Jackson on May 1 and from my office I could see all the trucks coming back from the refuge. It was funny how people had to display their antlers. In the back of a pickup but propped up so you could see them sticking out above the bedrail or strapped to the top of a giant SUV with one person inside. Pretty interesting show of pride I thought. I wonder if anyone goes out after May 1? Or if anyone scours the areas around the other feedgrounds.
Hopefully states will start to make out of state hunters wait out the opening weekend of deer and elk season.
I wouldn't try to sneak in as a nonresident. The wardens in Jackson are on top of it.

I was working in Jackson on May 1 and from my office I could see all the trucks coming back from the refuge. It was funny how people had to display their antlers. In the back of a pickup but propped up so you could see them sticking out above the bedrail or strapped to the top of a giant SUV with one person inside. Pretty interesting show of pride I thought. I wonder if anyone goes out after May 1? Or if anyone scours the areas around the other feedgrounds.
Someone should make a shed hunting pride flag… :ROFLMAO:
I recently got into shed hunting and I find that article disgusting. I'm actually glad they banned NR's and I'm more of a libertarian. That scene is retarded. I recently unsubbed to all the shed hunter YT sites. I might watch some every now and then but I'll do everything in my power to not help someone make a living shed hunting.
Growing up, if I would have asked my dad to go shed hunting, he probably would have smacked me and said what good is that gonna do. I did not get it then, and 40 years later I still don’t get it. I walk right past a few sheds most years while hunting. Probably will walk past some this year too. Spring is for fishing.
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