Caribou Gear Tarp

I’ve found several great uses for toilet paper

Too bad the yak leather on my Hanwags wasn’t tanned hair on. On second thought, maybe it is good thing it wasn’t, it might keep those of Mongolian descent from eyeballing them.

@Gerald Martin, is the new profile pic a childhood photo?
Me and Uncle Ghengis from back in the day when men were men and all the children were above average.
I've not tried, nor does it appear I'll have a chance however, are there exceptions to the use of current MT FWP regulation pages - as TP? I mean, would chit on paper actually clean chit from the rear? Least it's kinda a newspaper-ish type material... and better than using my skivvies if I forgot my Charmin emergency wipe kit.
I've not tried, nor does it appear I'll have a chance however, are there exceptions to the use of current MT FWP regulation pages - as TP? I mean, would chit on paper actually clean chit from the rear? Least it's kinda a newspaper-ish type material... and better than using my skivvies if I forgot my Charmin emergency wipe kit.
Do they spell out Fish, Wildlife and Parks, or is it the euro-socialist FWP symbol on the front? How neat are the staples?
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