I've arived in AK !!!

ROTFLMAO. Great writing, I can't wait to see what happens to your "dork" of a leading man.
Maps??? Maps??? You don't have any maps, remember? Your at the mercy of your pilot. You just got the inside of your hippers wet.
Ohhh 280.... Shouldn't you be looking up GAY porn somewere ?

PS, I'd go toe toe toe with ya in the Hills any day Old man
Care for a little Wager ?!?! Say... 10k
maps,,why do you need maps,,you are flying in you walk from camp...if you get lost in the distance you can walk from camp and back in a day then you should be going to Texas, not Alaska
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> PS, I'd go toe toe toe with ya in the Hills any day Old man Care for a little Wager ?!?! Say... 10k <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Make note of that
280 won't bet I guess, maybe he's not a gambling man, except in the draws. I'll wager a dozen donuts, toe to toe to toe, with you guys in the Texas hills and draws in the heat of the summer. Except we're not hiking or racing, we're hunting. Get some others too, we'll make it toe to toe to toe to toe to ...
three of the biggest bulls I have killed were jumped to me by "moosie you can`t out hike me in the hills type" in my 20`s I had that attitude but now I see guys bust there ass trying to be the first one to the top of the hill while walking right past the big stuff and settle for a spike at the top of the hill,,,,,a smart hunter beats the guy with te attitude everytime,,,take for instance last season and what I killed verses our hero moosie,,..except for the bull greeny got for him,,,i kicked his ass
Tom... thats jsut becasue you know were all the Feeders are... Not a fair bet by anyones standards

I still want to hear what this rain storm Brewing will do to me on the first day.... Finish the Story gunner !
You probably want to know when they go off too, eh. Getting on a trail to a feeder is not a bad place to be. The big buck won't show up at the feeder, unless its on TV, where they have them all over the place. Most of those places have free access feed though, and don't let you hunt by that feeder. For TV though, they show animals there. Most everyday hunting places here, the animals go to the feeder at night, but it keeps them in the area. If there's no feeder, they go to the neighbors.

We're supposed to be talking about Alaska. I'll meet you for a beer at the Saldatna pub tonight, the place near the end of the highway. I'm there too. How about it 280, you up for a beer too?
Actually I jsut landed in the "BUSH" with my dad... BUT I'll be out in 16 days. HAve a beer with 280 while you're out there, Or hop on a bush plane and come help us
"The younger Oscar then told his dad they were not maps that had become soaked with the moisture, but they were the notes he had carefully taken after his dinner with the Alaskan Experts just a few weeks earlier. Oh what a dinner that had been, as the young Oscar sat in humble awe while listening to the stories and advice of the Alaskan Experts. Stories were told of facing down 10.5 foot Brown Bears at 10 yards, of killing Sheep and Moose and Caribou for haging on the wall. Yes, Oscar knew he was in the presence of Greatness, and he had been smart enough to show respect to his mentors.

Across the lake, the Beaver jumped into the air and began the empty flight back to civiliazation. At that moment, the two Oscars looked at each other, and the enormity of their undertaking dawned on them. Left to their own for 10 days in the Alaskan wilderness, the butterflies returned.

Young Oscar turned up the collar on his somewhat heavy rain jacket, and turned his back to the approaching storm. There was gear to be carried, and a tent to be set up before the weather arrived."
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Oscar sat in humble awe while listening to the stories and advice of the Alaskan Experts. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Alright.. Just kidding.. Keep going
"The possible locations for a tent site were not obvious to the novice from the Outside. The warm Summer had lingered a bit too long, and all the bushes still carried their leaves in various hues of green.

A small clearing in the Birch trees appeared to be the only solution for erecting the tent. The gear was carried and the dry bags were opened in search of the tent. The elder Oscar found a suitable spot and began to read the directions for setting up the tent to his son. "Insert pole A into sleeve 1, Insert pole B into sleeve 2. Place Pole A on Pin AB, Place Pole B onto Pin AC." And on it went as the Father instructed his son on setting up the tent. Oh sure, the tent had been set up in the backyard in the suburbs, but that was months ago, and had been assisted by an even younger Oscar.

After too much time, the tent was finally set up, and home for the next 10 days was ready for inhabitants. The first drops of rain began to fall as the Oscars stashed their gear in the tent. There were still tarps to erect, and water to filter, but the Oscars quickly fled to the security of the tent from the now arriving storm."
Elkgunner.. YOU left out the Part were I brought my new tent on a Hells canyon trip and It set up jsut fine... It's not one of those AB things .. It's 3 poles and some Clips.. BUT HEY... It's your Story.. MY BAD, Continue on... Hopefully the Rain will slow down. And At least it wasn't Raining when I landed... I wouldn't of liked that. But I'm sure that's exactly whats gonig to happen.

Don't stick me in the Tent without a Book either, I'm picking up a Duck hunting Book.

Ohhh but don't let me stop you... I'm still reading
When It's done, I'll cut and Paste the Entire story with out these silly comments...
"The tent was way too small with all the gear inside, but the Oscars were able to begin sorting out the large pile of gear. What had been intended to be organized had turned into a pile of cahos as items were packed and unpacked during the journey North and the interim bear hunting fiasco.

The rain on the fly of the tent began to lighten up as the storm decided to hold its fury for another day. The Oscars had organized the inside of the tent and had decided where and what would be stored outside.

With a bit of effort, a line was strung between two Birch trees and a tarp draped over the taut line. The younger Oscar looked at the Birch trees, and wished he would have asked how to make a Moose call from the bark of the Birch. So many things one learns on a trip to Alaska.

A water filter was unpacked, and the elder Oscar began the process of pumping the lake water through the filter. The water in the lake was loaded with suspended particles, so filtering was not working. No matter how careful one would be, the back pressure valve on the filter would release. Only with extreme patience could the water be pushed through the ceramic filter without releasing the valve. Filtering water was to become a major task."
OMG this is great stuff. Gunner have I met you? You obviously know Oscar pretty well. This is so dead on. I especially like the part where dad dictates while Oski sets up the tent. That's about the way I remember camp trips when we were kids. When they finally put away the tent, make sure Oscar is told to fold it up just so. Because everyone knows there's only one way to fold a tent correctly.

Don't you just hate it when you are trying to produce a work of art and everyone has to put their two cents in.
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